Recent violence in South Sudan has resulted in an estimated 10,000 deaths and over 950,000 people being forced to flee their homes. Right now these people are now living in temporary shelters called internally displaced persons (IDP) camps which have been set up in or around South Sudan. The IDPs often contain over 50,000 people per camp and some of the larger ones have over 110,000.
While aid groups like UNICEF and the World Food Program are working to provide food, water and plastic sheets for basic shelter, the threat of disease is always looming. An outbreak of typhoid, cholera or dysentery would be catastrophic for the people in the camps, particularly for the elderly, children and to people with already compromised immune systems.
The solution is simple: SOAP! Something we take for granted in our everyday life, can literally keep people healthy and alive in South Sudan right now. A recent assessment by the UN stated that in many of the camps no soap was available at all. The report also stated that with so many people living in such close proximity, access to soap is often more effective in saving lives that any medicine or vaccine.
Our goal is to provide 1,000 cases of soap to the IDPs in Eastern Equatoria and across the border in Uganda. With your help, our experienced field teams and the fact that we have the transportation already in place can provide the people in the camps with locally made soap right now. There are 110,000 refugees who may not survive without you.
Please check out SOAP FOR SUDAN and see how you can help. Soap saves lives!
Soap For South Sudan

One reply on “Soap For South Sudan”
this is truely amazing. Drop In The Bucket is clearly helping people everywhere and not just building wells. this site has helped me alot.