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Dokolo Township Primary and Nursery School

Drilling at the Dokolo Primary School started on the 25th April, 2014. According to the drillers, they drilled through regular dirt for 7 meters and until they hit rock. From the 25th to the 30th April they drilled through rock until they had drilled 48 meters. The well was completed on May 1st. The drillers Pump tested but the yield low and dried up at two and half hours. We knew we had to drill deeper, but in order to do so we needed a new drill hammer. The new hammer took two days to arrive, but would be far more effective with the dense rock. Rather than just sit and wait for the new hammer to arrive, we had the team move to the next school on our drilling schedule which was the Atiira Secondary School. At Atiira the team spent 8 days (2-10th may 2014) and finished that well before returning to Dokolo to complete the well.

The drillers then came back to Dokolo township and deepened the hole; from 48-66 m on the 12th may 2014 and developed it. On the, 15th May they pump tested the well, and the static was 750, draw down went to 39.98, the pump was at 64m and the pump out was 10 liters/70 seconds and they pump tested constantly for 3hours giving 0.5cubic per hour. They casted and installed on the 15th May 2014. The pump is at 48 m that is 16 riser pipes.

Original Number Of Boys:
Original Number Of Girls:
Number Of Teachers:
Number Of Villages Served:

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