The Obule Primary School is located in the Asreet sub-county of Soroti, Uganda. The school has 865 students; 440 boys and 425 girls. The school was originally started by the Church of Uganda and was taken over by the government in 1976. The school has 49 orphans and 29 students with special needs. The nearest source of clean water is 0.5 kms away, which is too far for the children to use on a daily basis without disrupting their school schedule.
Obule Primary School 1
Obule Primary School
Obule Primary School 2
Obule Primary School
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
water wells africa uganda drop in the bucket charity obelogoloi borehole-57
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
water wells africa uganda drop in the bucket charity obelogoloi borehole-58
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
water wells africa uganda drop in the bucket charity obelogoloi borehole-59
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
water wells africa uganda drop in the bucket charity obelogoloi borehole-54
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda
water wells africa uganda drop in the bucket charity obelogoloi borehole-55
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Obel Ogoloi Borehole Well Uganda