The Olupe Primary School is located in Kyere which is in Soroti, Uganda. The school has 554 boys and 569 girls. That means the well will serve 2943 people. The 1123 students plus the 5 neighboring villages.
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
water wells africa uganda drop in the bucket olupe primary school-033
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
water wells africa uganda drop in the bucket olupe primary school-097
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells Olupe Primary School Well Uganda Africa