Dago Dwong Primary School
Clean water was always a major issue for the Dago Dwong Primary School, especially for the school staff. Thirst would force the students out of their classrooms to walk to the nearest water source. Once they got there, they would have to stand on line and wait their turn before getting to drink. Sometimes the lines would be long and they would end up missing important lessons.
Community Schools
In Uganda, in areas where there are no schools nearby, parents from the community set up their own schools. These community schools are usually staffed by unqualified parents who lack teaching experience, but are trying to teach to the best of their abilities. Once the schools are able to get enough students they are taken over by the government who supply them with financial and material support. But those initial years are often a struggle.
The New Well
In 2021 Drop in the Bucket was asked to drill a well at the Dago Dwong Parent School. The drilling was successful and at 50 meters we were able to hit water. Now the school has its own source of clean water and the children no longer have to miss class when they are thirsty.