The Ogongora primary school located in Kakure Sub County in Kaberamaido district in North Eastern Uganda
The school has a population of over 700 pupils but up until now had never benefited from any organization or from the Ugandan Government. Because the school had no water source the children had to carry water from home. This led to health and sanitation problems at the school. However, since Drop in the Bucket drilled the new well, the children no longer have to be thirsty while at school. A school health club has been established among the children and community leading to an improved WASH situation in the school. Due to sharing the water source with neighboring communities, there is a good working relationship and harmony between the parents and the school administration and a good school environment protection has since been initiated with children watering the plants.
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Ogongora Primary School Well Uganda