The Okouba Primary School is located in the Kumi district of northern Uganda. The school has 621 pupils; 317 boys 304 girls. The schools nearest source of water is currently 2 kms away. It is a hand dug waterhole that is too far for the children to walk to every time they are thirsty. Also the water from this well is contaminated and not safe to drink, but right now it is the only water source available.
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Uganda water wells- Okorot community's old water source before the well.
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda
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Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, completed wells, Okorot Borehole Well Uganda