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Pader Secondary School

Pader Secondary School, located in Pader, Uganda, faced a significant challenge in accessing clean water. Historically, the school purchased water from the local trading center, proving financially burdensome and logistically challenging. The high student population worsened the issue, leading to frequent water shortages disrupting daily activities and threatening well-being. Despite restrictions on NGO-led initiatives in urban areas, an exception was made for Pader Secondary School. This was due to its urgent need for a reliable source of safe water.

In October 2020, Drop in the Bucket stepped in to address the school’s water needs, obtaining permission to drill a well on the premises. The drilling operation proceeded smoothly, resulting in a 60-meter-deep borehole that yielded an abundant supply of clean water, exceeding the school’s daily requirements.

The impact of the newly established well was immediate and profound. No longer burdened by purchasing water or facing uncertainty, the school could focus on its core mission of education. Students no longer experienced water shortages, enabling them to concentrate on studies and extracurricular activities without interruption.

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