Host a school-wide yard sale on the football field to raise money to help build wells in Africa.
Step #1: Download the School Yard Sale for Water School Assets Packet.
In the packet, you will find posters so that you can spread the word about your event, registration sheets for people to sign up, and a checklist so that you won’t forget anything for the big event!
Step #2: Promote your yard sale around the school and your community.
The more people that know about the sale, the better.
Ask your principal if you can put these posters up around school
Step #3: Ask friends and family members to bake goodies so that people can eat during the sale and sell them to donate to the cause. Just check out DROP’s Bake to Make a Drop and LemonAID for Clean Water fundraisers on the site to get recipes and know how to set up the stands.
Don’t forget, whatever doesn’t sell, can always be donated to local charities that accept used items!
Yard Sale