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Help Us Bring Clean Water to More Schools this Year!

Help Us Bring Clean Water to Even More Schools in Uganda This Year!

Two students get clean water from the new well in Paminyai sub-county in Uganda. The well was drilled by US based water charity Drop in the Bucket.
A new well provides clean water and better health for these school children in Paminyai, Uganda.

We’ve been sharing a lot about our education programs recently, but that doesn’t mean we’ve slowed down on our water well drilling work. In fact, 2024 has been one of our busiest years yet for drilling  and we need your help to keep the momentum going!

So far this year, we’ve drilled over 35 wells, bringing clean water to communities in desperate need. But there’s still much more to do. These communities – often forgotten and left out of the headlines – are struggling daily without access to clean water. When we’re able to provide it, the change is immediate and powerful. You see communities come alive: local businesses grow, health improves, and children are finally able to attend school instead of spending hours walking for water.

You Can Make a Real Impact

Our goal is simple but ambitious: we want every school in East Africa to have access to clean water so no child has to miss school to fetch it. We know this goal is achievable, but we need your help to make it a reality.

As we enter the fourth quarter of the year, we are still short of our annual fundraising goal. This is the time when your support can make the biggest difference. By giving now, you’ll help us maximize our drilling impact and reach more communities before the year ends.

In addition to our well-drilling efforts, we’re excited to share that we’re working on a major piped water project in partnership with another NGO. This project will bring 36 water taps to two underserved communities, transforming access to clean water for thousands. We’ll share more when it’s complete, but it’s just another example of how your donations make a lasting difference.

How You Can Help

Every donation matters. Whether you’re helping us fund a new well or supporting a piped water project, your contribution is the key to transforming lives. Clean water doesn’t just improve health, it gives children the chance to go to school, helps local businesses thrive, and strengthens entire communities.

Donate Now and help us bring clean water to even more schools and communities across East Africa. Together, we can make sure that no child has to miss school because of water.

Thank you for believing in this mission and for being a vital part of this life-changing work.

New well drilled by US based water charity Drop in the Bucket
Female students gets clean water from a well at her school in Paminyai, Uganda

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