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Help Us Bring Clean Water to More Schools this Year!

Help Us Bring Clean Water to Even More Schools in Uganda This Year!

Two students get clean water from the new well in Paminyai sub-county in Uganda. The well was drilled by US based water charity Drop in the Bucket.
A new well provides clean water and better health for these school children in Paminyai, Uganda.

We’ve been sharing a lot about our education programs recently, but that doesn’t mean we’ve slowed down on our water well drilling work. In fact, 2024 has been one of our busiest years yet for drilling  and we need your help to keep the momentum going!

So far this year, we’ve drilled over 35 wells, bringing clean water to communities in desperate need. But there’s still much more to do. These communities – often forgotten and left out of the headlines – are struggling daily without access to clean water. When we’re able to provide it, the change is immediate and powerful. You see communities come alive: local businesses grow, health improves, and children are finally able to attend school instead of spending hours walking for water.

You Can Make a Real Impact

Our goal is simple but ambitious: we want every school in East Africa to have access to clean water so no child has to miss school to fetch it. We know this goal is achievable, but we need your help to make it a reality.

As we enter the fourth quarter of the year, we are still short of our annual fundraising goal. This is the time when your support can make the biggest difference. By giving now, you’ll help us maximize our drilling impact and reach more communities before the year ends.

In addition to our well-drilling efforts, we’re excited to share that we’re working on a major piped water project in partnership with another NGO. This project will bring 36 water taps to two underserved communities, transforming access to clean water for thousands. We’ll share more when it’s complete, but it’s just another example of how your donations make a lasting difference.

How You Can Help

Every donation matters. Whether you’re helping us fund a new well or supporting a piped water project, your contribution is the key to transforming lives. Clean water doesn’t just improve health, it gives children the chance to go to school, helps local businesses thrive, and strengthens entire communities.

Donate Now and help us bring clean water to even more schools and communities across East Africa. Together, we can make sure that no child has to miss school because of water.

Thank you for believing in this mission and for being a vital part of this life-changing work.

New well drilled by US based water charity Drop in the Bucket
Female students gets clean water from a well at her school in Paminyai, Uganda

Why is a water charity providing scholarships to girls?

New Video on Drop in the Bucket’s Education Program in South Sudan

We recently completed this video on our education program in South Sudan. It does a good job of explaining why a water charity would expand its program to include providing scholarships to girls.

Since Drop in the Bucket started in 2006, our goal has been simple: to help children in sub-Saharan Africa go to school by building wells and toilets in schools. In 2009, we expanded our program to include South Sudan. The reason was simple: South Sudan has fewer girls in school than any other country in Africa.

Scholarship recipient from Drop in the Bucket's education program in Nimule, South Sudan.

The Benefits of Education

In many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, education is highly valued by parents. However, poverty and limited resources often force families to make difficult choices. Sons are prioritized for education while daughters are often relegated to household chores, including the daily task of fetching water for the family.

Recognizing this disparity, Drop in the Bucket expanded our program to start providing secondary school scholarships to girls. By collaborating closely with local school authorities, we identify high-potential girls who are at risk of dropping out due to financial constraints or cultural norms. Through its scholarship program, Drop in the Bucket provides these girls with the financial support they need to continue their education and realize their full potential.

But why is a water charity providing scholarships to girls?

But why focus only on girl education? Well, when girls go to school, it’s not just good for them. It’s good for everyone! Girls who go to school are more likely to get married later, have fewer children, and are able to do more to help their families and communities. Simply put, education helps people lift themselves out of poverty.

South Sudanese scholarship recipients from Drop in the Bucket's education program in Nimule, South Sudan

We don’t just stop at scholarships. We also help fix other problems that stop girls from going to school, like not having clean water or toilets. By fixing these things at schools, we make it easier for girls to learn. Girls are usually affected more when there’s no clean water or toilets at school.

In a world where boys often get more chances than girls, we’re working hard to change that. We want to make sure every child, no matter if they’re a boy or a girl, has the chance to go to school. So, we’re asking you to join us in making a difference, one well, one child, and one scholarship at a time.

A student from the Drop in the Bucket education program in South Sudan at the International Day of the Girl Child celebration 2023


A Grandmother’s Struggle with Dirty Water in Uganda

How a Water Well Changed This African Grandmother's Life

In Uganda, it is not uncommon for children to be raised by their grandmothers, often when parents are no longer together or both have passed away. Anena Kevin’s family is one such example. Anena and her brother Ezra are being cared for by their grandmother, Acan Margaret. She explains, “I have my two lovely ‘children’ to care for. Their mother separated from their father and had to start working in town.”

Acan Margaret does her best to provide for the children by growing vegetables in her garden. Their mother sends what money she can, but it is never quite enough. The food from the garden helps, but what the family needed most was access to safe, clean drinking water. Their only water source was an open waterhole and they used this water for everything including drinking.

The open waterhole was a stagnant body of water shared with local livestock. The water was green with algae and you could see tadpoles and other visible contaminants. Acan always felt guilty when she gave that water to the children, saying, “Each time I saw them drinking that water, it always felt like I had given them poison to drink. I couldn’t stop them from drinking it because I knew they were thirsty.”

The guilt was exacerbated when her children contracted typhoid and other waterborne diseases. Acan sighs and adds, “I am already old and don’t have much to lose, but my children have their whole lives ahead of them.”

On days when she had the energy, she would make the two-kilometer walk to a well at the nearest trading center to fetch clean water.

The journey was physically demanding due to her age and health, but she persisted for the sake of the girls. Acan recalls, “I used to walk to the trading center while the girls were at school. The walk there with two empty jerricans was okay, but the walk back took longer. It was tough, but it was worth it to see the girls drinking clean water.”

In order to make the return trip more manageable, Acan started carrying smaller containers, but this still only provided enough water for drinking. For all of their other household needs, they had to use dirty water.

Besides the distance, there was also the challenge of navigating the slippery path back up the hill from the well. People often fell while trying to carry the water. Acan recalls, “One time I got stuck about halfway down the muddy slope. It had just rained, and the ground was slippery. I was carrying water at the time, but I could not go forwards or backwards without falling down.” Fortunately, her granddaughter, Acan Evelyn, heard her cries for help and rescued her.

Clean Water Changed Everything for This African Grandmother

Grateful for the change, Acan Margaret remarks with a soft voice, “If it weren’t for you, I would have fallen to my death or broken a leg fetching water.” She is so happy that Drop in the Bucket came to Oturuloya Lagwedola and drilled this a well.

“I am so happy that my family now has access to clean water. Please thank the donor who funded this well and changed our lives”.


International Day of the Girl Child 2023

International Day of the Girl Child 2023

International Day of the Girl Child 2023 was a great success in Nimule, South Sudan, despite the absence of other NGOs that had previously participated in the event. The schools and the community still engaged in a meaningful, lively, and colorful day. DROP provided t-shirts to representatives from all eleven primary schools in Nimule Central Boma, including those schools that we are not supporting, so that those children did not feel left out. The event began with the annual parade, where all the local school children marched through Nimule town and ended at St. Patrick Primary School, where the celebration was held.

Students in South Sudan march at the International Day of the Girl Child celebration 2023 sponsored by Drop in the Bucket

A girl in Nimble South Sudan holds a sign with the words "Our time is now- our rights our future at the International Day of the Girl Child celebration 2023 sponsored by Drop in the Bucket
“Our Time is Now – Our Rights Our Future”

A girl holds a sign "Because I am a girl I am given a jerrycan and told to fetch water"Drop in the bucket 2023 - Nimule, South Sudan - event sponsored by Drop in the Bucket and the White Family Foundation

Girls wearing Drop in the Bucket t-shirts an the 2023 International Day of the Girl event in Nimule South Sudan

An Enthusiastic Response- Though a Little Too Enthusiastic

The afternoon was filled with speeches from students, stakeholders, local leaders, chiefs, and parents. DROP has made it a priority to engage the chiefs and parents in activities like this, as well as in our community outreach campaigns to encourage parents to send their children to school. One chief said during his speech that he would arrest any parent who did not send their children to school. However, the Inspector of Schools quickly corrected that statement in his speech by pointing out that there are many reasons parents keep their children home from school. He said that you cannot arrest people who are sleeping hungry because there is no food, much less school fees. He also emphasized the reality that you cannot compare a very young country like South Sudan to its neighbor Uganda, which just celebrated 61 years of independence, growth, and progress.

Some Drama – But The Good Kind

Students performing in a play about hunger at the International Day of the Girl event in Nimule South Sudan sponsored by Drop in the BucketStudents performing in a play about hunger at the International Day of the Girl event in Nimule South Sudan sponsored by Drop in the BucketStudents performing in a play about hunger at event in Nimule South Sudan sponsored by Drop in the Bucket
The afternoon’s performances by the school children also echoed the Inspector’s statement, with one group performing a drama about hunger in the country, during which the children all shed real tears. There were also dramas about early marriage. One included the potential bride saying that she needed to stay in school so she could become eligible for a DROP secondary scholarship. But the entertainment was not all heavy and serious. There were also beautiful poems, heartfelt songs, and lively traditional tribal dances that kept the event exciting and engaging. Overall, the afternoon was a poignant reminder that the country is young and has many challenges, but also that the way to a brighter future is through the youth, and educating girls is a major step toward progress.
Students performing traditional dances at the International Day of the Girl event in Nimule South Sudan sponsored by Drop in the Bucket


Back to School in South Sudan

Back to School in South Sudan

South Sudanese students return to Graceland Girl School in Uganda after the summer break. These girls are sponsored by Drop in the BucketAfter a well-deserved second-term holiday, it’s time for the students to go back to school in South Sudan. The anticipation and excitement are palpable as our recent photos capture the moments of scholastic materials being sorted and groups of enthusiastic girls loading into vehicles. This year, we are proud to announce that we have nearly 200 girls receiving scholarships, each with a bright future ahead.

Celebrating Academic Excellence

Among our scholarship recipients, we have several standout performers whose academic achievements continue to inspire us. Their dedication and hard work are truly commendable, and we look forward to sharing their inspiring stories with you in the coming months.

Holiday Academic Coaching Program

We are thrilled to report the successful completion of our holiday academic coaching program at the DROP compound and dorm in South Sudan. Every holiday season, we bring talented Ugandan teachers to Nimule for two weeks to work closely with our students in key subjects such as math, English, chemistry, biology, and physics. This initiative has significantly boosted our students’ academic performance, and we remain committed to continuing its success.

Exploring a New Curriculum

In pursuit of holistic education, Uganda has introduced a new curriculum that emphasizes practical work, group collaboration, and problem-solving. This innovative approach encourages students to unleash their creativity and apply their knowledge to real-world challenges. Projects range from building underground fridges and interviewing local businesses to making liquid soap and creating skits and drama. This dynamic curriculum is empowering our students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers.

Empowering Post-Secondary Students

We are excited to share that we are selecting ten high-achieving girls to pursue university education, with a focus on nursing and clinical medicine. These young women are currently engaged in practical training in Adjumani, and we are immensely proud of their dedication and progress. Stay tuned for more updates on their remarkable journey.

University Dreams Come True

Six of our girls are enrolling in university, including Gloria Emman, who overcame challenges to pursue her dreams. Gloria, a promising student in 2019, is now enrolling in Juba University to study human resource management. Her determination is an inspiration to us all, and we look forward to supporting her on this exciting journey.

Community Engagement and Awareness

Our DROP team remains actively engaged in community awareness campaigns, recently conducting training sessions for two Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) groups. The goal is to involve parents and community members in supporting the girls’ education and ensuring they stay in school. Our long-term goal is to graduate 30% of the girls in Nimule Central Boma from secondary school. These efforts are crucial to achieving that vision.

Thank you for your unwavering support of our mission. Your generosity is transforming lives and communities in South Sudan. Together, we are making a difference.

Warm regards,

Stacey Travis
Drop in the Bucket Director


Living with HIV/AIDS and Unsafe Water

Clean Water Makes it Possible For a Man with HIV/AIDS to Take His Medication

Meet Acaye Christopher, a spirited 63-year-old man who was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and living with unsafe water in a Uganda. Like many in his village, Acaye used to rely on a local waterhole as their only water source. Small tadpole-like organisms infested the waterhole, making it unsafe to drink. This meant the villagers were constantly getting sick with water-borne illnesses like typhoid.

Living with HIV/AIDS and Unsafe Water in Africa

Christopher was first diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 2003 and takes an ARV medication that requires water. On rainy days, the water from the waterhole became contaminated. The contamination forced him to skip his medication.This affected his health, leading to frequent illnesses. Doctors recommended water purification tablets, but he had no money to pay for them.

When Drop in the Bucket drilled a well in the village, everything changed for Christopher. The village now had clean safe water from the new borehole well and Christopher and the other villagers no longer had to worry about contaminated water. He now takes his medication on time and never has to worry about the water he is drinking.

This positive change has rejuvenated Christopher’s life. He’s back to tending his crops and enjoying his improved health. He actively participates in the village savings group and proudly states that he is a member of the committee that manages the new well. Christopher works hard to keep the area surrounding the well clean.

How Clean Water Can Transform a Village in Africa

Christopher’s story is an example of how clean water access can bring joy and health to a community. Christopher is determined not to let HIV/AIDS threaten his life, and he feels the same about unsafe water. Thanks to the new well, Christopher and his village are embracing a brighter, healthier future.


Unyama, Te Pwoyo: A Village Transformed by Clean Water

African Village Transformed by Clean Water

In Te Pwoyo Village, a remote community in northern Uganda, a remarkable transformation is underway. Meet Omon Charles Ojok, a dedicated leader at the heart of this community. Ojok wears multiple hats, serving as the village health team member, the local council leader, and the chairperson of the water source committee. He is known in the community as a fair leader and is widely respected. For years, Omon Charles has been working to get his village clean water.

Omon Charles Ojok Unyama Tepwoyo - DROP well photo
Omon Charles Ojok

A Challenging Quest for Clean Water in Te Pwoyo

For over six years, Omon Charles Ojok has grappled with the pressing issue of unsafe water in the village. The primary sources of water for Te Pwoyo were the Unyama River and a waterhole known as ‘liri-liri,’ a name that perfectly encapsulates its slow and narrow water flow.

Liri-Liri Waterhole

Akot Jenna Lucy during the commissioning of the new borehole drilled by Drop in the Bucket in her village

Akot Jenna Lucy remembers walking two kilometers to fetch water. “We used to walk there only to find a crowded water source with an agonizingly slow water flow. I can only describe it as a ‘trickle.'” For Akot Jenna and her fellow villagers, this was their daily reality.

The Unyama River

Te Pwoyo Village also used the Unyama River as a source of water. This river water was not only dirty but also a long distance from the village. The path to the river was unkempt, making the journey there and back somewhat perilous due to the presence of dangerous snakes, including pythons.

A Bucket of Bullets

Two years ago, two young boys, Rubangakene Oscar and Rubangakene Oscar Emmanuel, discovered something unusual while collecting water from the Unyama River. They found a plastic bucket filled with live ammunition that had washed ashore.

The Dark History of Abductions

Older members of the community were horrified by the discovery of the bullets, which served as a chilling reminder of the area’s dark history with the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) rebels and their two-decade-long reign of terror. Omon Charles Ojok vividly remembers the LRA’s presence in the area. “I think the bullets were left by the rebels,” he says. A chilling reminder of the area’s dark past.

The New Well Brings New Hope For Te Pwoyo

The new well at Tepwoyo, Uganda drilled by Drop in the Bucket

In response to these challenges, the community of Te Pwoyo Village received a lifeline that has transformed their lives. Drop in the Bucket, a water charity that has been working in Africa since 2006 and as drilled more than 700 water wells, commissioned a newly drilled borehole, bringing hope, health, and safety to the people of Te Pwoyo.

The story of Te Pwoyo Village underscores the impact that clean water can have on communities in need. By providing water wells, we change lives, overcome challenges, and rekindle hope for Omon Charles Ojok and his fellow villagers, liberating them from bullets, pythons, and the relentless struggle for clean water. Their journey serves as an inspiration, highlighting the profound change achievable when communities unite to create a brighter future.

Tpwoyo village in Uganda has a new well


St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School: The ripple effect of clean water

In Africa Clean Water Changes Everything

At Drop in the Bucket, we believe wholeheartedly in the transformative power of water and education. Today, we want to share an inspiring story of resilience and determination from St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School in Uganda. Of how providing clean water to a school had a ripple effect, that transformed not only the school but also the entire community.

A Challenging Assignment

Mr. Owino Isaac, the Headteacher St. Vicent Buliganwa primary school Mr. Owino Isaac, the Headteacher St. Vicent Buliganwa primary school

Meet Owino Isaac, a seasoned head teacher known for his commitment to improving schools in rural areas. When he first arrived at St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School, he was confronted with a staggering amount of challenges. Inadequate facilities, reluctant teachers, a remote location, and illiterate parents who undervalued education were just a few of the obstacles he faced. Determined to make a difference, Owino began devising strategies to enhance the school and attract more students.

St. Vicent’s Dilemma – A lack of clean water

One of the critical issues facing the school was the lack of access to clean water. Both the school and the community relied on a nearby swamp as their water source. Recognizing the potential of a borehole well to not just provide clean water, but also to unite the community, Owino set his sights on getting a well drilled in the village. He had seen its impact in the past and believed it could work wonders at St. Vicent’s.

A Welcome Surprise for St. Vicent Buliganwa

Hope came unexpectedly when a Drop in the Bucket truck arrived at the school. Excitedly, Owino showed our staff around the school grounds, and they identified a promising area for a well. Our dedicated team returned for a survey, and within a few weeks, St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School had its own well.

A child washes his hands at the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket for the St. Vicent Buliganwa primary school in Uganda

Clean Water Changing Lives in Africa

The provision of safe water became a powerful motivator for parents who had been hesitant to send their children to the school. Owino, fueled by determination, embarked on a door-to-door campaign, engaging with parents and children, emphasizing the importance of education. He assured them that their children would have access to clean water and a nutritious meal – a promise he fulfilled by personally making porridge for the students.

Alikooba Margret, a community member from Buliganwa, Uganda

A Mother’s Perspective

One mother, Alikooba Margret, had initially enrolled only one child in the school. However, after witnessing the positive changes brought about by the well, she eagerly sent her other children to join. Speaking with admiration, Margret acknowledges Owino’s unwavering commitment to the school. She credits the clean water borehole for transforming the community’s quality of life. The water no longer smells, it is safe for drinking, and it has improved the cleanliness of clothes. Her gratitude is evident, and she attributes her children’s increased enrollment to the provision of clean water.

The Ripple Effect of Clean Water

Owino humbly considers the well as one of his significant achievements. However, his impact extends far beyond this accomplishment. When Owino first arrived at St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School, he found it shocking that the school had just 12 students. Now, just a few years into his leadership, the school is thriving with 381 pupils. He smiles and confidently states that he is sure the numbers will continue to rise.

The story of St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School exemplifies the transformative power of clean water and education. Through the dedication and passion of individuals like Owino Isaac and the support of organizations like Drop in the Bucket, entire communities can experience positive change. As we witness the ripple effect of clean water, we are inspired to continue our mission, bringing hope and opportunities to those in need.

Students and the local community celebrate the new well at St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School in Uganda

Join us in our endeavor to make a lasting impact and create a brighter future for all.


Some Good News for the Bulumwaki Primary School

A Headteacher in a Tough Position

It was January 2022, and Bulumwaki primary school was struggling. The new year had brought 836 pupils to the school, but there was no clean water. “We really needed a borehole (well), but we did not have the resources to get one drilled, and we had no way to raise that kind of money,” recalls Namutubu Oliver, the school’s head teacher.

Namutubu Oliver - head teacher at the Bulumwaki primary school in Uganda
Bulumwaki’s head teacher Namutubu Oliver

Just a 10-minute walk from the school was a community well that they could use. Most days, this was not too big a problem. It did take 20 minutes to get there and back, which meant missing half a lesson. But there were days when the lines at the well were long, and on those days, the children would take an hour or more to get water.

The Shadoof

The second option was a hand-dug waterhole locally known as a ‘shadoof.’ The water from the shadoof was neither clean nor safe to drink, but on days when the lines at the well were long, the shadoof was the only option.Mukiisa Priscilla is a student at Bulumwaki. She hated missing lessons and would get frustrated standing in line at the community well. “In the mornings, the school would tell us we needed to go and fetch water. They asked us because we were older and stronger than the little children, but we did not want to miss school.” For Mukiisa, the new well meant that students no longer have to walk for water. “The most frustrating situation was when we were studying for our final exams, and they would make us stop to fetch water.”

The headteacher knew she was in a tough position. The last year of primary school is when the students’ exam results matter the most, so while she hated sending them, she had no choice. The younger children were not as strong or able to walk as fast, so it took them longer, and they missed more school. She is relieved she no longer has to make such difficult choices.

The shadoof had its problems too! Every dry season, it would stop producing water. It was also impossible to keep livestock out, so it was always polluted with animal waste.

Before the Well

Oliver’s voice gets quiet as she remembers how things were. “There were times when the children were sick with the flu or had colds and needed water for their dry throats or to wash their faces and hands. I had to tell them to wait until break or lunchtime when we could get more water.”

“Things were much worse for girls during their menstrual cycle. We have a changing room for girls, but without water, it was not much use. Some menstruating girls had to just sit and wait until we could go and fetch water. This resulted in poor hygiene, embarrassment, and missing lessons,” remembers the headteacher. In smaller schools, teachers and students end up using the same toilets. With toilets being used by so many students and no water to keep them clean, the teachers’ frustration was understandable. And no water for washing hands after using the toilets opened the school up to even more health risks.

Mukungu Grace - a teacher from Bulumwaki primary school in Uganda
Mukungu Grace holds a fellow teacher’s young child.

Mukungu Grace, one of the affected teachers, recalls. “We had to be careful about what we ate, so that if possible, we could wait to use the toilet at home. The ones at the school were just too disgusting.”

Bulumwaki Primary Now Has Clean Water

Bulumwaki primary in Uganda has a new water well thanks to the non-profit Drop in the Bucket
Bulumwaki primary school’s new well.

By October of that year, it was a different story at Bulumwaki. With a new borehole well drilled by the non-profit Drop in the Bucket, the school was now thriving. “I am happy about the new well! Happy about the health of my students. Happy about the hygiene of our girls, and I’m happy our teachers are happy,” says Oliver, the headteacher.

With every contribution to Drop in the Bucket, you can be part of the solution that provides clean and safe water to schools in Uganda and South Sudan. By supporting our work, you not only ensure that students can focus on their studies and stay healthy but also help empower communities to thrive. With your contribution, we can work towards a world where every child has access to the basic necessities of life, regardless of their circumstances.

Bulubandi Primary School: Where the students can have fun again.

Bulubandi Primary School: Transforming with Clean Water

Bulubandi Primary School is one of the largest schools in eastern Uganda. With over 2,000 students, spanning grades 1 through 7, the head teacher, Naigaga Madinga well understands the magnitude of her job.

Naigaga Madinga headteacher from the Bulubandi Primary School in Uganda Naigaga Madinga headteacher from the Bulubandi Primary School in Uganda

“Running a school this size requires infrastructure and resources. As you can see, everything we need here is in large numbers,” says Madinga. “I have been teaching at this school for 14 years and in all of that time, we have never had a reliable and continuous source of clean water.”

She goes on to explain that the large government-funded school had partial access to two water sources, but both were unreliable.

One was a community borehole that was always crowded. Here the women began lining up early in the morning, with their jerry cans marking their location in line. Because they needed this water for their daily domestic workload of cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, and bathing children, they were not interested in the students cutting in their line to get a drink from the already-crowded water point. And tensions would brew.

The second option was piped municipal water. But this was not a sustainable solution. For one, the piped-water supply only worked intermittently. According to Mukiza, the water would dry up for weeks at a time. And in addition to that, paying for municipal water was completely unaffordable for a school the size of Bulubandi.

The lack of water brought many challenges to the large school. But the loudest complaint came from the boy students. They were not allowed to play sports!

Like boys throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the students at Bulubandi love to play soccer. It was not uncommon to have nearly 1000 children running after a ball during recess. And, in the Ugandan heat, that made for a lot of thirsty kids.

The administration legitimately feared that the students could pass out from dehydration.

The Impact of Clean Water on Academic Performance

Muhondo Eric, the senior male teacher stands in front of one of the classrooms at Bulubandi primary school in Uganda Muhondo Eric, the senior male teacher at Bulubandi primary school in Uganda

According to Muhondo Eric, the senior male teacher at the school, “Nobody at the school wanted to stop the children from having fun, but we had to limit how much they could play and sweat because of water rationing.”

Now that DROP has drilled and we have a permanent water solution, we no longer have to worry about rationing. The students are back to playing sports and tensions have settled. In addition, their academic performance and daily attendance also seem to be improving.

Community Response and Future Plans

Since the installation of the new water source, the community surrounding Bulubandi Primary School has also benefited. Access to clean water has improved hygiene and health outcomes not just for the students, but for families living nearby. There are now discussions underway about further community projects to enhance sanitation facilities and educational resources.

According to Madinga, “We are grateful for this new water source for many reasons. For one, it gives the school a clean, consistent and reliable water supply. That solved many very problems for the school. And there is no need to ration water, or fun, anymore.”

Students stand by the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket at Bulubandi primary school in Uganda Students excited about the new well at Bulubandi Primary School in Uganda

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