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Wii Anaka Health Center II in Nwoya, Uganda Gets A New Well

Clean Water – a Constant Concern for Patients and Staff at the Wii Anaka Health Center in Nwoya, Uganda

The new well at the Wii Anaka Health Center II in Nwoya, Uganda drilled by Drop in the Bucket

Ojok Patrick works at the Wii Anaka Health Center II in Nwoya, Uganda. Every morning he rides his bicycle several miles to fetch water from distant Wang Angila. The water there is piped in, so it is clean and safe for use in a health center. It is also the only safe water in the area, so there are always long lines. The distance and wait make it impossible for Ojok to make more than one trip  each day. When he does make his daily trip, he can only load four containers of water on his bicycle. This water has to be rationed by the entire staff at the health center. The water he brings is used by the patients for drinking and taking their medicine. It is also used by the medical staff for treating patients, and the maintenance staff for cleaning. 

Wilobo Willy George is the laboratory technician at the health center, and he uses the water Ojok brings every day. He says his department is the most affected by the water rationing because they need it for hand washing, cleaning equipment, diluting reagents, and in staining.  Staining is the process of dipping the blood sample for test in a reagent then in water repeatedly. “I have to perform so many tasks that require water, but rarely do I have enough water to complete them,” he says. In many cases, he even has to leave the center to fetch water by bicycle as his patients wait.

A Midwife’s Struggle

“They say ‘why go to a health center when the conditions are the same at home?’”

Sharon Faith – Midwife at the Wii Anaka Health Center III in Uganda.

Aber Sharon Faith, the midwife at the health center, says they never have enough water in the maternity ward. While most people realize that delivering babies requires water, clean water is also needed for cooking. Additionally, the maternity room must be thoroughly cleaned before delivering each baby. This lack of water at the facility discourages expectant mothers from going to the hospital to give birth. Many mothers prefer to have their baby at home rather than a facility that lacks clean water. Aber shakes her head resignedly, “they say, ‘why go to a health center when the conditions are the same at home?’”

During the dry season, even the piped water runs out. This leaves the health center with no choice but to use any water they can find. In rural Africa the water situation is often dire with people drinking water from dirty water holes and ponds. The health center installed a rain water harvesting tank. This has proven useful during rain season, but it’s not uncommon to find dead lizards in the tank, contaminating the water and making it unsafe. 

Drop In The Bucket drills a well for the Wii Anaka Health Center II in Nwoya, Uganda

Thanks to a generous donation from the Feya Foundation and Causebox, Drop In The Bucket were able to drill a well for the Wii Anaka Health Center. The staff and locals celebrated after DROP finished drilling the well. The community donated a goat and held a celebratory feast.

“I, in particular, celebrated the fact that I will finally have enough water for all my laboratory needs,” said a thrilled Wilobo. 

“Before the well, we would often be short on water when women went into labor during the night.  Now we have water right in our yard,” said the excited midwife Aber. “We shall now have enough water for swallowing our tablets, and we might not even need to carry water from home like before,” states Adok Joan, a patient who came for treatment. 


International Day of the Girl Child 2021

International Day of the Girl Child 2021

International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated each year on October 11th. The aim is to shine a light the many challenges young girls face around the world and promote equality and human rights for all.

Drop in the Bucket participate in International Day of the Girl Child 2021

In societies where gender-based violence, child marriage, inequalities in education and health care are common, this event promotes awareness and sends messages to girls, families and local leaders that all girls have a right to live free from harm.

DROP’s education team and students participate every year in the event in South Sudan. And each year has a special theme. This year the message was: Digital Generation, Our Generation. 

Students gather around a “Digital Generation, Our Generation” banner at International Day of the Girl Child 2021 in Nimule, South Sudan.

Along with a parade and celebration, there are a number of activities planned to promote social change and encourage girls to learn skills to help them become future leaders.  

Girls as Future Leaders

One of the activities this year was to allow students to spend the day working in a local leadership position. So, for one day, the town clerk, county commissioner, hospital administrator, and radio station manager opened their doors to these youth. The students chaired meetings and were put into decision-making positions. This provided them with new insight into the adult world and also encouraged those leaders to hear their views and specific calls for action.

Then the celebration culminated in an event that included songs, dance and speeches.

Some of the songs were about issues of child marriage. One mother gave a heartfelt speech to the gathered students. “In all of Africa, we in South Sudan are the lowest. Education is the only way to bring us up.”

DROP has participated in this event for over a decade in South Sudan. In other years, the event was larger and included many other development partners. But things are changing. These days there is less focus on development projects, especially those centered around education. The world seems to be in a state of emergency and funding has followed. But we refuse to give up on these students. The world depends on them. And we will be there for them. 


October Updates

October Updates from Drop in the Bucket

As we are entering into the final quarter of the year, there is a lot happening at DROP. Our drilling team has just wrapped up a large water and sanitation project at our girl’s dorm in Nimule, South Sudan to align with our goal of providing more water wells for schools in Africa.

A Motorized Water System for a Disabled School in Uganda

We installed a motorized solar water system that provides water to not only the dorm, but also taps for the surrounding community and a church-run school next door for about 60 disabled children. They had all previously been using a hand pumped well. But now they have We installed a motorized solar water system that pipes water to not only the dorm, but also provides taps for the surrounding community and a church-run school next door for about 60 disabled children. They had all previously been using a hand pumped well. But now they have taps to deliver their water directly to them.  We also constructed an improved sanitation system and showers for the girls staying in the dorm. 

I5 New Water Wells For Schools in Africa

The drilling team is currently on their way back to the field to close out the year drilling 15 wells for schools and communities in three districts in northern Uganda. 
water wells for schools in Africa -The new well at Tepwoyo in northern Uganda drilled by Drop in the Bucket The dorm has become an important location lately for engaging our students during the second year of covid. Since vaccines are not readily available here, Uganda has kept the schools closed since May. However, South Sudan schools have remained open. And since DROP supports girls with scholarships in both countries, we have used the dorm as a temporary school for our students who were enrolled in Uganda. 

We have brought over teachers from Uganda to focus specifically on math, English and physics. We have also introduced sports, games, gardening and a library with, not only textbooks, but also leisure reading materials.  Also, on a recent trip to the capital to inquire about additional funding opportunities for the education program, we learned that DROP is the only NGO in South Sudan currently supporting O level secondary students with scholarships as part of an ongoing development project. Most all funding these days is aimed at emergency relief or primary schools. 

Last Monday, October 11th, was International Day of the Girl Child. In prior years this has been a big event with various local, national and international organizations participating. This year DROP was one of only two international organizations represented at the event.


Our First Students Graduate!

Girl Education in Africa – Our Work in South Sudan

We have some exciting news! Drop in the Bucket has just celebrated the graduation of our first group of South Sudanese secondary students. South Sudan has the lowest percentage of girls in secondary school in all of Africa. So this is a huge milestone in our goal to promote more girl education in Africa. 

When we first started our scholarship program four years ago, we were not expecting inter-tribal war, a refugee crisis, or a global pandemic. 

But despite many enormous challenges, we have a wonderful reason to celebrate. The first group of twenty-five girls has officially graduated from secondary school. 

Drop in the Bucket girl education in Africa - South Sudan

In the past four years, these girls have become part of the DROP family. We have mentored them through hard times, cheered on their victories, and watched them grow and thrive. 

The program started with 25 girls and is now sponsoring 140 vulnerable but hardworking girls to go to school. 

Graduating South Sudanese girls celebrate graduating secondary school in a program implemented by Drop in the Bucket

For the graduation, a group of donors funded a gift for each of them, which was a tailor-made traditional dress, handbags, and watches. The girls also got the opportunity to Zoom with supporters in the US. It was a wonderful day of celebrating their great accomplishment. Community members and education stakeholders also attended the graduation party. Some gave motivational speeches about how proud they were of these girls. The girls also read poems and spoke to the group about their experience.  

Click here to read more about our education program.


Why is a Water Charity Educating Girls in South Sudan?

Why is a Water Charity Running a Program Educating Girls in South Sudan?

In sub-Saharan Africa, there are many challenges around educating girls. But when it comes to educating girls in South Sudan, the challenges are even greater. The country has been in some sort of war or conflict for decades. South Sudan is also one of the poorest countries in the world. Many are living in refugee camps. And most families find it difficult to provide even the basic necessities like food for their families.

Even if a girl does make it to secondary school, the odds are stacked against her actually completing all four years. 

Why Girls?

From the time a female child is born, there is an understanding that she will be married off for a dowry when she comes of age. And that is often at adolescence. Though it’s technically illegal to marry an underage girl, it is the norm that is practiced throughout the country.

Since it’s understood that after she is married, she will become the property and responsibility of her husband. It’s often perceived as a bad investment to spend money on educating girls. With this level of poverty, if given the opportunity, parents will most often support their male children first.

Most South Sudanese girls will have little say in their marriage. And with South Sudan being a polygamist country, girls are often promised to wealthy older men who already have wives.

Educating Girls in South Sudan

Drop in the Bucket’s education program offers girls the opportunity to attend good boarding schools where they are able to focus on their studies without the distractions of domestic duties and other struggles. We are generally supporting between 125 and 150 students who are enrolled at schools in Uganda and South Sudan. If a girl qualifies academically, we enroll her in a Uganda school, where the school system is more stable, with qualified female teachers and boarding facilities. For those who do not score high enough to be accepted in Uganda schools, we have opened the DROP dorm which provides boarding for the girls who are enrolled in day school in South Sudan.

Although the main goal of the program is to provide the girls with a structured environment where they receive an education, it also buys them four more years to mature and grow up while they delay marriage a little longer.

The program provides more than just tuition. We also ensure that the students have scholastic materials, personal items, academic coaching, food, accommodations, support structure, security and medical treatment.

The Importance of Girl Education in Africa

For the graduation, a group of donors raised funds for a graduation gift of new traditional dresses, hand bags, and watches. The girls Zoomed with donors, which was so exciting and new for us all. It was a wonderful day of celebrating their great accomplishment. Community members also attended the graduation party. Some gave motivational speeches about how proud they were of the girls and their great accomplishment. 

To quote Kofi Annan:

“An educated girl is more likely to delay marriage and childbirth, enjoy greater income and productivity, and raise fewer, healthier and better-educated children. Indeed, investments in girls’ education have proven to go further than any other spending in global development.” 

  – Kofi Annan – Former Secretary General of the United Nations.

So to answer the question “Why is a water charity running a program educating girls in South Sudan?”. The answer is – water, sanitation, gender equality and education promote lasting change.


Happy World Water Day!

Today is World Water Day

Maybe, as you read this, you have a glass of water within arm’s reach. Perhaps you enjoy your water ice cold…or maybe at room temperature. Some people prefer to drink their water with lemon. And some people still don’t have water to drink at all. Today is a day to take notice – today is World Water Day!

Even if you are fortunate enough to live in one of the countries with a steady supply of clean water at your fingertips, by now you have heard the statistics about the global water crisis. And many of you have been actively supporting DROP to help provide some relief to suffering communities.

No matter how often you hear it, it’s still hard to believe that in 2021, one in every ten people on the planet still lack this basic necessity.

And it’s always heartbreaking to hear the personal stories about the women, girls, teachers, school administrators and so many others who spend valuable time each day walking long distances to collect water. The challenges they face on a daily basis are already enormous, without this added burden of searching for water. But being sick is worse. And having a child die from drinking contaminated water is unbearable.

Providing Clean Water for School Children

Although our primary focus at DROP has been providing clean water for school children, in the past few years we have expanded our activities to also include drilling for more communities. We realize that we cannot provide enough wells to fully solve the enormous problem, but it is too difficult to turn our backs on those who are suffering. 

Time and time again, we have turned to our donors for help. And the incredible spirit of the DROP community always shines through.

Providing Safe Water to Health Centers in Africa

Last December, DROP launched a campaign to raise awareness to the struggle rural healthcare facilities face in trying to provide clean water for their patients and medical treatments. You came to the rescue, donating enough to fund twenty wells for some of the most needy clinics, schools and communities in northern Uganda. – We are in the process of drilling the remainder of these wells right now. 

Since gathering our friends around the kitchen table and starting DROP 15 years ago, we have provided clean water to more than 250,000 people in more than 400 communities across Uganda and South Sudan. This is all thanks to the unwavering generosity, giant hearts and steady support from you – our donors, our friends, and our beautiful DROP family.

As we recognize World Water Day 2021, we hope you will give yourselves a pat on the back. We appreciate the sacrifices you have made to help support these communities with clean water. There is still so much to do, but we are making progress.

So take a deep breath before you sip your next drink of water and realize that your support is making it possible for people on the other side of the world to also drink water.

Your donations help save lives, instill hope, and contribute to eradicating the global water crisis. Please continue to support DROP. 

Your donations aren’t part of the solution, your donations ARE the solution. 

Thank you! 


International Women’s Day 2021

International Women’s Day 2021

Strong women seem to be an inspiring theme of 2021.

Today is International Women’s Day 2021, in January, Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first female Vice President of the United States, and the inauguration ceremony was highlighted by the breathtaking words of teenage poet laureate Amanda Gorman. A month later, on an entirely different planet, teams of impressive women play key roles in the Mars Rover project – the Deputy Operations Manager is Megan Lin, Carrie Bridge is the Science Operations Team Chief, and Erisa (Hines) Stilley is Entry, Descent and Landing Systems Engineer and Operations Co-Lead, to name just a few.

In that spirit on this International Women’s Day, we at DROP would like to acknowledge the strong females that we encounter in our work on a daily basis… 

For All The Women Living in Villagers in Uganda

The women in the villages raising their families while confronted with immense struggles. They may lack water, or power and sometimes even sufficient rain to grow crops. But they show up anyway, wrangle their kids off to school and somehow get the job done – day after day. They understand that it is our collective our responsibility to raise the next generation of leaders – the ones who will take the torch we carry and propel the world forward. 

To The Girls in Our Education Program

To the adolescent girls in our education program who are being given the opportunity to attend secondary school through our scholarship program.  They may study by lantern and eat beans at every meal, but they are dedicated to meeting any challenge and rising to new levels.

To The Teachers All Across Africa

To the teachers who are working to provide a positive educational experience under the most difficult of circumstances. 

And, last but not least, to the women on our own DROP team – the education officers, the administrative assistants, the cooks who travel with the drillers and live in tents and create meals over collected firewood, and the women who manage our DROP dormitories, nurturing the girls who live there as if they are their own children. 

Many of these women work day in and day out in their “day jobs” and then go home to take care of their own families, tending to children, cooking meals, washing clothes and the many other thankless but crucial activities that often silently fall on the laps of women. 

To All of The Women Making The World Better Every Day

Today we are inspired by a group of professional women we encountered in Gulu, who organized a ladies afternoon to celebrate International Women’s Day. In the culture here, men cook the meals and women are encouraged to do other activities with their friends on this day. These women played games from their adolescence – jumping rope, playing cards and laughing together for an afternoon. 

But they all knew they would soon return to their precious and irreplaceable role as the glue, the water, the fertilizer and the sunshine that keeps their world growing, evolving and pushing forward despite obstacles we can’t even imagine. 

Please take a moment today to remember these women. And please don’t forget – even the pocket change we dismiss on a daily basis can play a crucial role in easing their burden. Their jobs don’t come with a welcoming gala or interplanetary adventures, but with your help, tomorrow they may. 


February Drilling Updates

Campaign: 20 Water Wells for 20 Health Centers in Africa

During the last few months of 2020, Drop In The Bucket launched an initiative to drill twenty water wells at twenty health centers in Africa. These water wells would be drilled in the Pader district of northern Uganda. The campaign was a direct response to the Covid-19 pandemic, addressing the grim reality that many of the region’s health centers were struggling to provide clean water for their patients. No water to wash their hands. No water to ingest medicine. No water to facilitate treatments, and no water to help with general hygiene and cleanliness.

The Situation – A Lack of Clean Water with Dire Consequences.

The situation was dire and required immediate attention, so we started an online campaign. The response from our donors was immediate. Within just a few months we had all the funding we needed to drill those twenty wells – and more. Our drillers are currently in the field, and work is progressing fast and efficiently. We expect another three wells to be completed this week, and there are no plans to stop working until all the health centers on our list have clean water.

What difference can one well make?

Latigi Health Center II is a new facility, built in a recently updated building that houses both the healthcare facilities and staff quarters. But Latigi does not have running water. The only nearby water source is a well that broke down several months ago. This means that the health center staff have to walk several miles to a distant community and stand in a long line at the well, then walk back carrying the water. Without this water, they can’t clean their instruments, they can’t clean the facilities, and they can’t treat patients. This is also the only water they have to drink.

One Nurse’s Story

Salva Abaa is a nursing assistant at Latigi. He cares deeply about helping his community, but these days he spends far more time hauling water than treating patients. “The people who come here suffer a lot,” he tells us. “They come to my home asking for drinking water.”

He is more than happy to help out when he can, but with so little water available, he can’t even clean his cup and dish after each use. The Ugandan Ministry of Health recommends that staff thoroughly clean and sanitize every health center twice a day. Salva and his coworkers struggle to maintain these standards. But without an easily accessible water source, the extra labor leaves them exhausted.

Due to the lack of running water at the facility, Latigi is not treated as a priority by the government agency in charge of distributing medicine. Salva says that deliveries are regularly late, and the center is inadequately stocked. This means that even after working hard to gather water for the facility, they sometimes have to turn patients away. This is usually due to a lack of medicine. For Salva – and the countless healthcare workers like him – not being able to help people in need is the toughest part of his job.

20 Water Wells For 20 Health Centers in Africa

Water well at a health center in Africa.

Twenty water wells for health centers in Africa is not enough. We can’t stop until no patient is turned away – and clean water is where we can make the greatest difference. As we know from our own battles with Covid-19, personal and social hygiene are the easiest ways to stop the spread of communicable diseases, and we plan on continuing to raise money so we can keep drilling at more health centers and schools throughout the pandemic, and beyond.

For a moment, think about how difficult it is to start your day without brushing your teeth. Or how you’d feel preparing your family’s food without being able to wash your hands all day. Or merely the thought of turning on your computer without that first cup of morning coffee. Think about how exhausting housework can be… Now think about carrying ten, fifteen, twenty gallons of water several miles – all before you can even start your workday.

Can we really make a difference from the other side of the planet? Just ask the doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals who are working around the clock to provide relief to people not only suffering from Covid-19 but countless other ailments we take for granted. Take Salva’s word for it – Africa needs water wells and every dollar helps. Thank you for your continued support. To learn more or donate, visit our donation page.


Today is Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday. This is an opportunity to redirect your attention away from the constant stream of consumerism and focus on those in need. 

This year has brought many changes to all of our lives but one thing remains the same. There are families in Africa that need clean water. And here at DROP we are thankful for our loyal supporters who share our mission to help them. Together we are bringing water, education and development to rural Africa.

And in that spirit, we are gearing up to begin our current water project: 20 wells for 20 clinics in 2020. The team is loading the trucks now and heading out to begin drilling next week. We have almost reached our target of funding for 20 wells. But we need your help. Click here to support water for a clinic or health center in northern Uganda.

Drop in the Bucket Drillers load the trucks before heading out to start a new drilling project in Uganda.
Drop in the Bucket Drillers load the trucks before heading out to start a new drilling project in Uganda.

Ogago Health Center II – Where the Security Guard has to Fetch Water.

Ogago Health Center II – Where the security guard has to leave her post to fetch water

Owlla Christine - Security guard at the Ogago Health Center II in Uganda
Owlla Christine – Security guard at the Ogago Health Center II in Uganda

When Christina Owila applied to be the security guard at Ogago Health Center II, she knew her job would include creating a safe and welcoming space for anyone seeking care at the center and potentially heading off any would-be thieves. What she didn’t know was that most of her energy would go towards keeping the center stocked with water.

While there is a school near to the health center that has a well, it is a shallow well rather than a deep borehole well like the ones that Drop in the Bucket drills. It has also been broken for more than a year. During the rainy season, this open well floods with polluted standing water, making the water unsafe to drink. The closest safe water source is a well at the distant trading center, a grueling walk in the hot sun. The trading center’s well also charges for the use of the well, a common practice in Uganda.

“Even Dirty Water is Better Than No Water”

Christine wakes up hours before Ogago opens to make sure the center has the water it needs for the day. Whenever possible she makes the long walk to the training center, but money, time restrictions, and high demand mean that more often than not the open well is her only option. The patients at Ogago desperately need water to drink and use to take their medications, and new mothers need safe water so they can sponge bathe their newborns. Using water from the open well puts both new moms and their babies at risk of infection, but any water is better than no water.

Cecilia Avero is the director of Ogago Health Center II. She works tirelessly to find solutions for the water problem, but the center simply does not have the funds for a sustainable solution. The added strain of the coronavirus pandemic has made a difficult situation significantly worse. The new guidelines from Uganda’s Ministry of Health mean that the center has to be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized twice a day, but this added workload also means more time spent walking for water.

A Water Well Would Change Everything

Both Cecilia and Christine do everything they can to make sure their patients have clean water and sanitary working conditions for the medical staff, and the burden of the work and keeping the space clean is a lot to deal with. A well at the health center would change everything for the staff at Ogago and would allow them to spend their days with confidence and allow them to focus on their patients without the additional burden of walking for water.

How Can You Help?

Drop in the Bucket is currently running a campaign to raise the money for 20 wells at health centers in Pader district. By providing these healthcare specialists with clean water we can help them better serve their communities and help save lives. But we need your help!

While a single donation may not seem like it will make much of an impact, together we can turn every drop in the bucket into a wave that will change lives for the better. Please consider making a donation so that Cecilia and Christine can do what they do best: provide a safe healing space for their community.

The Ogago Health Center II in Uganda
Ogago Health Center II

To help Christine and the staff at Ogago Health Center, please visit our 20 Wells for 2020 Clinics campaign.

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