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How The Lack Of Clean Water Made Me Drop Out of School


Wii Aceng Primary School Now Has a Working Water Well

The water situation in Te-Aceng village could best be described as challenging. Consensus among hydrologists said it was unlikely that anyone would be able to drill a well in the area. This was reinforced by the fact that over the years several organizations had attempted this but were unsuccessful. In fact, the nearest source of clean water was a borehole well 15 km (9.3 miles) away.

This lack of water affected the entire community as most people were drinking from streams and water holes. The majority of these water sources were seasonal, meaning they would be completely dry during the hotter months. When this happened people were forced to walk the long distance to the well. The situation at the school put a lot of pressure on the children. Teachers would ask the older girls to fetch water from the well. They would go knowing they would be missing out on important lessons while they walked the long distance to the well and back.

How the Lack of Clean Water Made Me Drop Out of School and Broke Up Friendships

Three girls accessing clean water at the well drilled by Drop in the Bucket for the Wii- Aceng primary school in Omoro, UgandaNancy, Aciro Vicky, and Apio Jovan Franca were best friends. While they were not related, the three girls considered themselves sisters. Because Apio was the oldest of the three, when the teachers needed someone to fetch them water, she was the one they asked. The trip was long and exhausting, particularly due to the weight of water she would have to carry back. At first, Apio didn’t mind being asked, but she started to feel like she was being asked too often. Inevitably, she started getting discouraged about school and finally stopped going.

Aciro and Nancy still attend the school, but they miss their friend and wish she was still there with them. They explain that if a teacher asks you to fetch water, you don’t really have the option of saying no. They add that the water situation at the school had caused many students to drop out. Apio soon met a boy, and they had a child together. At this point, the chances of her finishing her education are slim.

A Related Problem

Okello Hellen, a parent of two pupils at the school, says they had resorted to rationing clean water. She tried sending their children to school with their water in used plastic bottles, but with limited success. “The problem is that our children would always come back home crying, complaining that other older boys would forcefully take their water and they do not want to go back to school because of that,” confides Hellen. She was afraid that her two boys would drop out of school like so many other village children.

Drop in the Bucket Drilled a Well for the Wii Aceng Primary School

In July 2021, Drop in the Bucket sent a hydrologist to Te-Aceng village to assess the water situation. We wanted to see if there was any chance to drill a well on or near the school property. After several tests, the hydrologist found a site he felt had potential. Soon after, we dispatched a team of drillers to the location. It was not an easy drill, but Drop in the Bucket’s team did manage to strike water. We are happy to announce that Wii-Aceng primary school now has a working well. The well is used by the school and the local community who are so thankful to no longer have to walk long distances for water.

Mr. Nyeko Richard thanked Drop in the Bucket for drilling the well, calling it a miracle. He is convinced that the school will experience fewer cases of children dropping out, and he is hopeful the school will now be able to retain more female teachers. The lack of clean water did not just affect the students; the teachers were also struggling with the lack of clean water.

Okello Hellen is sure the bullying will stop now that every child has access to all the clean water they need. Apio wishes she had stayed at school and regrets dropping out. She asked us to pass on this message to other students in her situation: “Stay in school, no matter what and do not follow in my footsteps. The current pupils are lucky to have what I did not – clean water.”

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Learn more about our ongoing projects and how we are making a difference in communities across Africa.



Mother AK Memorial Nursery and Primary- A School with a Dirty Water and Deadly Snake Problem

A School in Africa with a Dirty Water and Deadly Snake Problem

The Mother AK Memorial Nursery and Primary school is located next to the Otumpili Day and Boarding School. They are the only schools within a 20 km radius. Mother AK Memorial is both a kindergarten and a primary school more through necessity than actual choice. There was simply no option for the community to establish two schools, so they built one that caters to students of all ages. It is also a school with a dirty water and snake problem.

A School with a Dirty Water and Snake Problem

Old water source at a school with a Dirty Water and Snake Problem in Uganda

Before the well, the school and local community were dependent on a water hole that was over 1 km away. It was a long distance to walk, but it was their only option. Sarah Asunta, the school bursar mentioned that they would try to only send the older girls to go and fetch water, but sometimes the younger children would have to go. “During some unfortunate times, the pupils come back running and panting and without their water jerricans after finding a snake at the well,” confides Asunta.

A young female student named Lamunu Daisy, confirmed this saying “No. It was not just a snake. It was a python.” She said they were three girls and they all sprinted back to the school in fear.

Unsafe Water – The Situation Before the Well

The old water source was more than a kilometer from the school. It was in an isolated area, in what is known as ‘the bush’ and the path leading to it was unkempt and overgrown. This meant that the walk to and from the water hole took even longer than it normally would.

The water hole was not protected with any kind of fence, which meant it was also used by livestock. During rainy seasons the paths would flood and it became impossible to access the water hole. When this happened the pupils would collect water from any puddles they found that were deep enough. But this water was not clean or safe to drink.

The Negative Impact: Dirty Water and Trauma

Asunta says the encounters with snakes tend to have a traumatizing effect on the pupils and this is known to affect their performance in class.

Another issue the school used to face was that parents were reluctant to send their children to a school with no water. They did not like the idea of a school where their children were unable to wash their plates after school meals, with no water for drinking, no water for washing the toilets and no water to help wash their hands – a situation made worse by the current pandemic.

Students accessing clean water from the new well
Students accessing clean water from the new well

A New Well Solves the Dirty Water Problem

Schools in East Africa are still closed, including the schools in Uganda. However we are now hearing Ugandan schools are about to re-open after a long 83-week closure. The new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket has parents excitedly asking when the school will reopen. Even parents whose children were not in school are expressing an interest in enrolling their kids because of the new well. Asunta has a different reason to be happy. She is happy that the pupils will no longer have to deal with snakes when they are thirsty.

New well at Mother AK Memorial School in Uganda

Help us continue providing clean water in Africa! Your donations make our work possible!

Learn more about our ongoing projects and how we are making a difference in communities across Africa.



Pakeyo Health Center II: Where Young Patients Had To Cross Busy Roads for Water

A Health Center with No Clean Water

Mercy Aloyo is a fifth grade (primary five) student from Tobi, Uganda, who has just come down with Malaria. Malaria is a parasitic disease carried by mosquitoes that causes flu-like symptoms and can result in serious problems or even death without treatment. Mercy walks about 2 miles (3km) to Pakeyo Health Center II in order to get the medicine she needs. The center does not have an indoor waiting room, so she waits with the other patients in the hot midday sun to see one of Payeko’s health professionals.

Pakeyo Health Center II now has clean water
The new well at the Pakeyo Health Center II in Pader District, Uganda.

Pakeyo Health Center II is a very busy facility which sees over fifty patients a day.  It also does not have a source of running water. The healthcare workers are often too busy tending to patients to fetch water throughout the day. When this happens, patients like Mercy are given the task of fetching water. She will bring water for everyone to drink while they wait to receive care. Last week while Mercy was waiting to receive her treatment she was sent to fetch water from the closest source, a community well that sits on the other side of Pakeyo’s main road.

Sick Patients Sent to Fetch Clean Water for the Health Center

All of the patients tasked with take a ten liter jug and wait for a break in traffic. When there is a break they will cross the busy road. Then Mercy waited in line with the other community members. When it was her turn, shefilled up the jug with water. She then crossed back to the center hauling 22lb (1 kg) of water. This dangerous activity is what allows Mercy and the other patients to stay hydrated while they wait to be seen.  Mercy is happy to go despite her fear of crossing such a busy road. Even though she is a young girl, she has been the best choice to fetch water because the other patients are often too sick to help.

The Health Risk of Sharing Water Containers

Getting the water to Pakeyo Health Center II is not the only challenge posed by the lack of a well at the facility. If there were running water at Pakeyo, patients would bring their own water jugs to fill and drink directly from them. Since they are all sharing one jug, they also must share the only available cup. This poses serious health risks, especially with the current coronavirus pandemic. Having a well at the center would mean that the patients could have clean water to drink. They would also be better able to keep themselves and their families safe from coronavirus.

Update: Thanks to a generous Drop in the Bucket donor, the Pakeyo Health Center now has its  own source of clean water due to the newly drilled well.


How a Well in Africa Changed One Woman’s Life

Akot Rose Ajok stands by the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket in Kati Kati West
Akot Rose Ajok stands by the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket

How a Well in Africa Changed one Woman’s Life

Kati-Kati West, a rural community in northern Uganda, witnessed how a well in Africa changed one woman’s life. Akot Rose Ajok, a single mother of five, previously struggled to make ends meet. Before Covid, she worked as a matron in a local primary school. When the pandemic closed schools, she lost her income. Determined to support her family, she started baking and selling pastries, including simsim cookies, popular in Uganda. These require a lot of water to wash sesame seeds, making the well crucial.

Sesame seed cookies (Simsim) popular in Uganda
Sesame seed cookies (Simsim) popular in Uganda

Akot Rose worried about starting her new business. She knew that to make cookies, she would need at least seven jerricans of water daily. “It takes a lot of water to wash the sesame seeds,” she explains. Fortunately, the new well drilled by Drop In The Bucket arrived just in time to support her endeavor.

The Difference Made by Clean Water

The upcoming Christmas holidays were a pressing concern for Akot. However, the money she earned from selling simsim allowed her to buy new clothes for her children, ensuring their best Christmas ever. As she starts the new year, she is excited that she has already put aside enough money to pay her children’s school fees. With the news reporting that schools in Uganda are finally reopening soon, the future looks bright for Akot Rose and her children.

A child at Kati Kati West in Uganda fetching clean water from the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket
A child at Kati Kati West in Uganda fetching clean water from the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket

Now that Kati Kati West Has a Well: a Well in Africa Changed one Woman’s Life

“The borehole is near my home. I’m happy to have clean water for drinking and cooking,” she says. With a smile, she adds, “I’ll never use unclean water for making cookies again.” She told the school she won’t return to her old job. Akon has a new career – making pastries.

Children at Kati Kati West in Uganda enjoying clean water from the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket
Children at Kati Kati West in Uganda enjoying clean water from the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket

This story from Kati Kati West demonstrates how the new well has transformed lives. Follow Drop in the Bucket on Facebook and Instagram for more updates on our work.



The Alero Health Center III How Clean Water Saves Lives

How Clean Water Saves lives in African Health Centers

After a tiring day at the Alero Health Center III in Uganda, Awor Stella, was resting in the sleeping quarters. Little did she know that this evening would take a turn and become another example of how clean water saves lives in African hospitals. Awor works as the resident midwife at the facility. It was 2am, and outside she could hear voices that sounded like they were coming closer. When she heard her name being called, she instinctively jumped up, realizing what was needed.

Awor Stella Grace from the Alero Health Center in Nwoya, Uganda
Awor Stella Grace a nurse from the Alero Health Center III in Nwoya, Uganda

She thought back to several hours earlier in the day. Awor had washed down the delivery bed and cleaned all of the equipment using up the last of the facility’s water. She knew tomorrow would be another busy day and had planned on being ready in advance. What she had not anticipated was an emergency late-night delivery. 

An African Hospital Operating Without Clean Water

January in Uganda falls in the middle of a dry season, and this year was particularly dry. The Alero Health Center III did not have its own source of clean water. It did have a rainwater harvesting tank, but the extreme weather left it arid and empty. This meant health center staff to collect water from local sources every morning before work. The local sources were predominantly hand-dug wells, locally referred to as unprotected springs. While these wells produced water, it was groundwater that was neither clean nor safe.  But it was often the only water available.

“I was lucky that I had cleaned the equipment and delivery bed, but not so lucky in that more clean water would still be needed after the delivery,” explained Awor. Awor knew she would have  to act fast. She collected all of the water she had in her home and brought it to the delivery room. It was late and dark outside, which made the idea of walking to the nearest well out of the question. That would be too dangerous for her at this time of night.

How a Midwife’s Quick Thinking Saves a Newborn Baby

Awor shook her head and explained how common this situation was for midwives in East Africa, where so many health centers lack access to clean water.  “Health facility workers often go to the local residents to ask them for water in an emergency” she explained. It is not a safe or sustainable situation, and it often results in needless deaths.  

With fatigue showing on her face, Awor has asked if Drop In The Bucket would drill a well for her health center. She knows we helped other facilities in the region.  With clean water the health center would be able to help children like Lagum Prossy, the community’s newest member. Although Lagum’s first moments were challenging that early January morning, we are happy to say she made it – thanks to Awor Stella and the staff at the Alero Health Center III. 

Now we just need to get them clean water.



Ogwari Primary School

A School in Uganda Where People and Livestock Were Drinking the Same Water

The Ogwari Primary School is clearly visible from the road. A person driving by might have thought this school and the whole community were thriving. But what you wouldn’t see from the road was a water situation that was both alarming and sometimes deadly. Now thanks to new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket, things are looking up for the local residents. 

Before the well

Mr. Oree Okello Jackson, the elderly headteacher of the Ogwari Primary School reveals that the community shared the same shallow well with animals such as cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.

According to Mr. Oree, “Once pigs enter your water source, and dip their mouths in it, you should consider it unsafe.” The pigs and other livestock are free to roam around the area. While they’re drinking, they stand in the water and often urinate and defecate. This same waterhole has been sustaining the entire community for drinking, cooking and domestic use.

Mr. Oree Okello Jackson headteacher of the Ogwari Primary School

The real negative effect

Sometimes, when there were no adults around, local children would also bathe in the water hole. Although, the community knew the water was unclean and not safe to drink, there was no other option. Oree said the contamination was visible as you could see small organisms swimming in the buckets of water people collected for their homes.

Ejang Sharon, a housewife and mother of three, painfully recounted the time her three-year-old daughter Adong Bridget fell critically ill and was rushed to the hospital after a series of stomach pains and vomiting. 

Ejang Sharon and her daughter

The test results revealed that Adong had contracted bilharzia, a chronic disease caused by water-borne parasitic worms. Known to damage the internal organs and potentially lead to death, Ejang was terrified that she was going to lose her daughter to the illness. Luckily, Adong was treated just in time.

The doctor advised Ejang to always boil water before giving it to her family to drink. While she tried her best to comply, she said a lack of time and scarcity of firewood made it difficult to boil all the water her family needed each day.

The Solution

After inspecting and assessing the dire water situation in Ogwari, Drop in the Bucket drilled a well in the heart of the community. The faces of the community residents lit up with joy as they collected clean water from their brand new well.

“I can rest easy now that I know what happened to my child will not happen again,” beamed Ejang. “Bilharzia has become a thing of the past here.” 

Akite Nancy, a 15-year-old Ogwari primary school student, said she will now have all the clean water she needs and will no longer have to put her life in danger by simply quenching her thirst. 

Mr. Oree was overjoyed that Drop in the Bucket identified his community’s main problem and solved it. Looking to the future, he assured his fellow residents that he would work with Drop in the Bucket to maintain the well and make sure it remains a fixture in the community.

“This is a great blessing,” he said. “Life is surely going to change in this area.”


Wii Anaka Health Center II in Nwoya, Uganda Gets A New Well

Clean Water – a Constant Concern for Patients and Staff at the Wii Anaka Health Center in Nwoya, Uganda

The new well at the Wii Anaka Health Center II in Nwoya, Uganda drilled by Drop in the Bucket

Ojok Patrick works at the Wii Anaka Health Center II in Nwoya, Uganda. Every morning he rides his bicycle several miles to fetch water from distant Wang Angila. The water there is piped in, so it is clean and safe for use in a health center. It is also the only safe water in the area, so there are always long lines. The distance and wait make it impossible for Ojok to make more than one trip  each day. When he does make his daily trip, he can only load four containers of water on his bicycle. This water has to be rationed by the entire staff at the health center. The water he brings is used by the patients for drinking and taking their medicine. It is also used by the medical staff for treating patients, and the maintenance staff for cleaning. 

Wilobo Willy George is the laboratory technician at the health center, and he uses the water Ojok brings every day. He says his department is the most affected by the water rationing because they need it for hand washing, cleaning equipment, diluting reagents, and in staining.  Staining is the process of dipping the blood sample for test in a reagent then in water repeatedly. “I have to perform so many tasks that require water, but rarely do I have enough water to complete them,” he says. In many cases, he even has to leave the center to fetch water by bicycle as his patients wait.

A Midwife’s Struggle

“They say ‘why go to a health center when the conditions are the same at home?’”

Sharon Faith – Midwife at the Wii Anaka Health Center III in Uganda.

Aber Sharon Faith, the midwife at the health center, says they never have enough water in the maternity ward. While most people realize that delivering babies requires water, clean water is also needed for cooking. Additionally, the maternity room must be thoroughly cleaned before delivering each baby. This lack of water at the facility discourages expectant mothers from going to the hospital to give birth. Many mothers prefer to have their baby at home rather than a facility that lacks clean water. Aber shakes her head resignedly, “they say, ‘why go to a health center when the conditions are the same at home?’”

During the dry season, even the piped water runs out. This leaves the health center with no choice but to use any water they can find. In rural Africa the water situation is often dire with people drinking water from dirty water holes and ponds. The health center installed a rain water harvesting tank. This has proven useful during rain season, but it’s not uncommon to find dead lizards in the tank, contaminating the water and making it unsafe. 

Drop In The Bucket drills a well for the Wii Anaka Health Center II in Nwoya, Uganda

Thanks to a generous donation from the Feya Foundation and Causebox, Drop In The Bucket were able to drill a well for the Wii Anaka Health Center. The staff and locals celebrated after DROP finished drilling the well. The community donated a goat and held a celebratory feast.

“I, in particular, celebrated the fact that I will finally have enough water for all my laboratory needs,” said a thrilled Wilobo. 

“Before the well, we would often be short on water when women went into labor during the night.  Now we have water right in our yard,” said the excited midwife Aber. “We shall now have enough water for swallowing our tablets, and we might not even need to carry water from home like before,” states Adok Joan, a patient who came for treatment. 


International Day of the Girl Child 2021

International Day of the Girl Child 2021

International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated each year on October 11th. The aim is to shine a light the many challenges young girls face around the world and promote equality and human rights for all.

Drop in the Bucket participate in International Day of the Girl Child 2021

In societies where gender-based violence, child marriage, inequalities in education and health care are common, this event promotes awareness and sends messages to girls, families and local leaders that all girls have a right to live free from harm.

DROP’s education team and students participate every year in the event in South Sudan. And each year has a special theme. This year the message was: Digital Generation, Our Generation. 

Students gather around a “Digital Generation, Our Generation” banner at International Day of the Girl Child 2021 in Nimule, South Sudan.

Along with a parade and celebration, there are a number of activities planned to promote social change and encourage girls to learn skills to help them become future leaders.  

Girls as Future Leaders

One of the activities this year was to allow students to spend the day working in a local leadership position. So, for one day, the town clerk, county commissioner, hospital administrator, and radio station manager opened their doors to these youth. The students chaired meetings and were put into decision-making positions. This provided them with new insight into the adult world and also encouraged those leaders to hear their views and specific calls for action.

Then the celebration culminated in an event that included songs, dance and speeches.

Some of the songs were about issues of child marriage. One mother gave a heartfelt speech to the gathered students. “In all of Africa, we in South Sudan are the lowest. Education is the only way to bring us up.”

DROP has participated in this event for over a decade in South Sudan. In other years, the event was larger and included many other development partners. But things are changing. These days there is less focus on development projects, especially those centered around education. The world seems to be in a state of emergency and funding has followed. But we refuse to give up on these students. The world depends on them. And we will be there for them. 


October Updates

October Updates from Drop in the Bucket

As we are entering into the final quarter of the year, there is a lot happening at DROP. Our drilling team has just wrapped up a large water and sanitation project at our girl’s dorm in Nimule, South Sudan to align with our goal of providing more water wells for schools in Africa.

A Motorized Water System for a Disabled School in Uganda

We installed a motorized solar water system that provides water to not only the dorm, but also taps for the surrounding community and a church-run school next door for about 60 disabled children. They had all previously been using a hand pumped well. But now they have We installed a motorized solar water system that pipes water to not only the dorm, but also provides taps for the surrounding community and a church-run school next door for about 60 disabled children. They had all previously been using a hand pumped well. But now they have taps to deliver their water directly to them.  We also constructed an improved sanitation system and showers for the girls staying in the dorm. 

I5 New Water Wells For Schools in Africa

The drilling team is currently on their way back to the field to close out the year drilling 15 wells for schools and communities in three districts in northern Uganda. 
water wells for schools in Africa -The new well at Tepwoyo in northern Uganda drilled by Drop in the Bucket The dorm has become an important location lately for engaging our students during the second year of covid. Since vaccines are not readily available here, Uganda has kept the schools closed since May. However, South Sudan schools have remained open. And since DROP supports girls with scholarships in both countries, we have used the dorm as a temporary school for our students who were enrolled in Uganda. 

We have brought over teachers from Uganda to focus specifically on math, English and physics. We have also introduced sports, games, gardening and a library with, not only textbooks, but also leisure reading materials.  Also, on a recent trip to the capital to inquire about additional funding opportunities for the education program, we learned that DROP is the only NGO in South Sudan currently supporting O level secondary students with scholarships as part of an ongoing development project. Most all funding these days is aimed at emergency relief or primary schools. 

Last Monday, October 11th, was International Day of the Girl Child. In prior years this has been a big event with various local, national and international organizations participating. This year DROP was one of only two international organizations represented at the event.


Our First Students Graduate!

Girl Education in Africa – Our Work in South Sudan

We have some exciting news! Drop in the Bucket has just celebrated the graduation of our first group of South Sudanese secondary students. South Sudan has the lowest percentage of girls in secondary school in all of Africa. So this is a huge milestone in our goal to promote more girl education in Africa. 

When we first started our scholarship program four years ago, we were not expecting inter-tribal war, a refugee crisis, or a global pandemic. 

But despite many enormous challenges, we have a wonderful reason to celebrate. The first group of twenty-five girls has officially graduated from secondary school. 

Drop in the Bucket girl education in Africa - South Sudan

In the past four years, these girls have become part of the DROP family. We have mentored them through hard times, cheered on their victories, and watched them grow and thrive. 

The program started with 25 girls and is now sponsoring 140 vulnerable but hardworking girls to go to school. 

Graduating South Sudanese girls celebrate graduating secondary school in a program implemented by Drop in the Bucket

For the graduation, a group of donors funded a gift for each of them, which was a tailor-made traditional dress, handbags, and watches. The girls also got the opportunity to Zoom with supporters in the US. It was a wonderful day of celebrating their great accomplishment. Community members and education stakeholders also attended the graduation party. Some gave motivational speeches about how proud they were of these girls. The girls also read poems and spoke to the group about their experience.  

Click here to read more about our education program.

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