Almost 1 billion people on the planet lack access to safe drinking water.
Dirty water and poor sanitation kill more children than AIDS, malaria and measles combined.
Every 20 seconds a child dies from a lack of clean water or sanitation.
More people have access to a cell phone than a toilet.
Do we just accept this or is it time to do something?
It’s 2013 and the human race has reached amazing heights in technology. We can explore another planet’s surface and even assess its water conditions! But as advanced as we are, how is it possible that one in every eight people on our own planet lacks this most basic resource?
Do we just accept this or is it time to do something?
I used to read facts like these and think ‘I wish someone would do something about this,’ until I realized that I AM someone and the time to help is now.
March 22nd is World Water Day. It’s just one day, but that’s a great place to start.
So how can YOU help?
There are plenty of ways to participate in World Water Day. Why not plan a World Water Day party, or just invite some friends over for dinner? Maybe show them this video.
then encourage them to post it to Facebook and other social media sites.
Read them some of these water facts and then make a donation or even start a fundraiser
Let your friends know that you feel strongly about the clean water crisis and that access to clean water is a human right. You can be a voice in your community.
If that’s not possible how about sharing this video post it on Facebook or Twitter. Let your friends know that clean water is important to you and that you feel everybody deserves the right to drink clean water.
Drop in the Bucket has a few things coming up and we would love you to join us!
March 15th: President and co-founder of Drop, John Travis, speaks in Fountain Valley at 8:30AM.
This World Water Day event is hosted by Tetra-tech in Fountain Valley, Orange County. The event will include breakfast and a tour of their facilities. There is no cost and you will leave with a better understanding of what our world is currently facing in terms of the world wide water crisis.
March 21st: Cocktails For Causes World Water Day Event. 8:00PM.
Where: Whiskey Blue Bar At W the Hotel Westwood – 930 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, California 90024
Event information: Cocktails For Causes invites you to their Annual World Water Day Event to support Drop In The Bucket, a non profit organization that builds wells and sanitation systems at schools in Africa. Guests will enjoy music by DJ Tiffany and violin virtuoso, DJ Manifesto. John Travis, President and Co-founder of Drop In The Bucket will also be addressing the audience. Admission is free but we encourage everyone to donate what they can to this fine organization (suggested donation $30/person).
Music by: DJ Tiffany and Violinist DJ Manifesto
Guest Speaker: John Travis, President and Co-founder of Drop In The Bucket
Buy your tickets and show your support for clean water for all by clicking this link
March 23rd: Radio Disney hosted Run/Walk in El Segundo.
The day after World Water Day, we’re putting on an event with Radio Disney in Los Angeles. It will be a walk/run in El Segundo that we are expecting a large crowd for. There will be a Drop in the Bucket presentation at the event with a speaker and we will have a table set up with merchandise, sign-up sheets, stickers, wristbands, and other goodies. Come by and say hi, we’d love to meet you!
If we can explore another planet, isn’t it time we made sure everybody on this planet has access to something as basic as clean water?