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Five Months of Drilling in Iganga District


Five Months of Drilling in Iganga District

The DROP drilling team just returned from five months of drilling in Iganga district in southeastern Uganda. As usual, we encountered more than our fair share of challenges. Complicated underground rock formations made drilling extremely frustrating. Deluges of rain had the team ducking for shelter when they desperately wanted to see water flushing up from the ground, not down from the sky. And a one-month delay at the Mombasa port had them drilling with a dull hammer that bounced off the rocks, rather than cutting straight through them.

But the biggest hurdle for everybody was the time away from their families. Our drilling supervisor had a big wedding in the works, our cook received daily calls from her children, and by month five, the whole team was extremely homesick.

The main office struggled to bring them comfort through special meals, extra bonuses, and gadgets to ease the work. Despite everything, they pushed through to deliver twenty-five successful wells in the Iganga District, some for schools with over 1500 children.

According to the team, those victories within the communities made it all worthwhile. Because in the five months they spent in Iganga, they made it their second home, learned the local language, and tasted the traditional foods of that region. They also made friends. When you bring water to people in need, you make lifelong friends. The joy of serving communities – whether near or far – can help overcome the biggest challenges.

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