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What Happens When A Village in Africa Gets a Water Well?

What Happens When A Village in Africa Gets a Water Well?

Ever wondered what happens when a village in Africa gets a new water well? You may have read about the impact clean water makes in Africa, but what does that actually look like? We created a video to show just that. This short video captures the actual moment of hitting clean water in a village in Uganda. The expressions on everyone’s faces speak volumes – you see joy, relief and hope written on every face.

Drop in the Bucket has drilled over 700 wells since 2006, yet each new completion remains a moment of profound joy and transformation. From the relieved expressions on our drillers’ faces to the beaming smiles of adults in the community, and the infectious laughter of children freed from hours of daily water walks, the impact is monumental. Clean water fundamentally revolutionizes rural life, providing not just hydration but also health, sanitation, and the foundation for economic development.

Your donations make these life-changing projects possible. By supporting Drop in the Bucket, you empower communities to thrive with sustainable access to safe water. Watch this video to witness the transformative power of clean water firsthand.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Red Hot Chili Peppers for their invaluable support.

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