Kacherede Primary School
The Kacherede Primary School is located in the Kacherede village in the Kodukul parish of the Ongino sub-county in Kumi, Uganda. This well is now providing water to 1271 people.
The Kacherede Primary School is located in the Kacherede village in the Kodukul parish of the Ongino sub-county in Kumi, Uganda. This well is now providing water to 1271 people.
The Erutu community well is located in Odomai village, Ochocia Parish, Ogolai Sub County in Amuria District.
In rural communities there are several places where people get their water. The best are borehole wells, the worst are polluted water
The Akado-Obangin Community well is located in Obangin village in the Akore parish of the Ogolai sub-county in the Amuria District of Uganda.
With a population of over 450 people, the community members were sharing an open water source which w
The Aburet-Olekat community well is located in the Aburet village in the Akoromit Sub County of the Amuria District, Uganda.
Up until recently the local community always got their water from a waterhole 5 Kilometers away. This water source was als
The Odoom-Adacar primary school is located in the Usuk sub-county in the Katakwi district of Uganda.
The school currently has a population of 171 pupils and 11 teachers. Before the safe water was provided, the school had been deserted and had only