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Unyama, Te Pwoyo: A Village Transformed by Clean Water

In Te Pwoyo Village, a remote community in northern Uganda, a remarkable transformation is underway. Meet Omon Charles Ojok, a dedicated leader at the heart of this community. Ojok wears multiple hats, serving as the village health team member, the local council leader, and the chairperson of the water source committee. He is known in the community as a fair leader and is widely respected. For years Omon Charles has been working to get his village clean water.

Omon Charles Ojok Unyama Tepwoyo - DROP well photo
Omon Charles Ojok

A Challenging Quest for Clean Water

For over six years, Omon Charles Ojok has grappled with the pressing issue of unclean water in the village. The primary sources of water for Te Pwoyo were the Unyama River and a waterhole known as ‘liri-liri,’ a name that perfectly encapsulates its slow and narrow water flow.

Liri-Liri Waterhole
Akot Jenna Lucy during the commissioning of the new borehole drilled by Drop in the Bucket in her village

Akot Jenna Lucy, remembers walking two kilometers to fetch water. “We used to walk there only to find a crowded water source with an agonizingly slow water flow. I can only describe it  as a ‘trickle.’ For Akot Jenna and her fellow villagers, this was their daily reality.

The Unyama River

The only other alternative for Te Pwoyo Village was the Unyama River, a source of water that was not only dirty but also quite distant. The path to the river was unkempt, making the journey there and back somewhat perilous due to the presence of dangerous snakes, including pythons.

A Bucket of Bullets

Two years ago, two young boys, Rubangakene Oscar and Rubangakene Oscar Emmanuel, discovered something unusual while collecting water from the Unyama River. They found a plastic bucket filled with live ammunition that had washed ashore.

The Dark History of Abductions

Older members of the community were horrified by the discovery of the bullets, which served as a chilling reminder of the area’s dark history with the LRA (Lords’ Resistance Army) rebels and their two-decade-long reign of terror. Omon Charles Ojok, vividly remembers the LRA’s presence in the area. “I think  the bullets were left by the rebels”, he says. A chilling reminder of the area’s dark past.

The New Well Brings New Hope
The new well at Tepwoyo, Uganda drilled by Drop in the Bucket

In response to these challenges, the community of Te Pwoyo Village received a lifeline that has transformed their lives. Drop in the Bucket commissioned a newly drilled borehole, bringing hope, health, and safety to the people of Te Pwoyo.

The story of Te Pwoyo Village underscores the impact that clean water can have on communities in need. Through the provision of water wells, lives are changed, challenges are overcome, and hope is rekindled. Omon Charles Ojok and his fellow villagers have been liberated from bullets, pythons, and the relentless struggle for clean water. Their journey serves as an inspiration, highlighting the profound change achievable when communities unite to create a brighter future.
Tpwoyo village in Uganda has a new well

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