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St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School: The ripple effect of clean water

In Africa Clean Water Changes Everything

At Drop in the Bucket, we believe wholeheartedly in the transformative power of water and education. Today, we want to share an inspiring story of resilience and determination from St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School in Uganda. Of how providing clean water to a school had a ripple effect, that transformed not only the school but also the entire community.

A Challenging Assignment

Mr. Owino Isaac, the Headteacher St. Vicent Buliganwa primary school Mr. Owino Isaac, the Headteacher St. Vicent Buliganwa primary school

Meet Owino Isaac, a seasoned head teacher known for his commitment to improving schools in rural areas. When he first arrived at St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School, he was confronted with a staggering amount of challenges. Inadequate facilities, reluctant teachers, a remote location, and illiterate parents who undervalued education were just a few of the obstacles he faced. Determined to make a difference, Owino began devising strategies to enhance the school and attract more students.

St. Vicent’s Dilemma – A lack of clean water

One of the critical issues facing the school was the lack of access to clean water. Both the school and the community relied on a nearby swamp as their water source. Recognizing the potential of a borehole well to not just provide clean water, but also to unite the community, Owino set his sights on getting a well drilled in the village. He had seen its impact in the past and believed it could work wonders at St. Vicent’s.

A Welcome Surprise for St. Vicent Buliganwa

Hope came unexpectedly when a Drop in the Bucket truck arrived at the school. Excitedly, Owino showed our staff around the school grounds, and they identified a promising area for a well. Our dedicated team returned for a survey, and within a few weeks, St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School had its own well.

A child washes his hands at the new well drilled by Drop in the Bucket for the St. Vicent Buliganwa primary school in Uganda

Clean Water Changing Lives in Africa

The provision of safe water became a powerful motivator for parents who had been hesitant to send their children to the school. Owino, fueled by determination, embarked on a door-to-door campaign, engaging with parents and children, emphasizing the importance of education. He assured them that their children would have access to clean water and a nutritious meal – a promise he fulfilled by personally making porridge for the students.

Alikooba Margret, a community member from Buliganwa, Uganda

A Mother’s Perspective

One mother, Alikooba Margret, had initially enrolled only one child in the school. However, after witnessing the positive changes brought about by the well, she eagerly sent her other children to join. Speaking with admiration, Margret acknowledges Owino’s unwavering commitment to the school. She credits the clean water borehole for transforming the community’s quality of life. The water no longer smells, it is safe for drinking, and it has improved the cleanliness of clothes. Her gratitude is evident, and she attributes her children’s increased enrollment to the provision of clean water.

The Ripple Effect of Clean Water

Owino humbly considers the well as one of his significant achievements. However, his impact extends far beyond this accomplishment. When Owino first arrived at St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School, he found it shocking that the school had just 12 students. Now, just a few years into his leadership, the school is thriving with 381 pupils. He smiles and confidently states that he is sure the numbers will continue to rise.

The story of St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School exemplifies the transformative power of clean water and education. Through the dedication and passion of individuals like Owino Isaac and the support of organizations like Drop in the Bucket, entire communities can experience positive change. As we witness the ripple effect of clean water, we are inspired to continue our mission, bringing hope and opportunities to those in need.

Students and the local community celebrate the new well at St. Vicent Buliganwa Primary School in Uganda

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