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Celebrate World Water Day with a village in Uganda

Today is World Water Day

Happy World Water Day From Africa

Today is World Water Day and we are in Apur Ki Opko, in Uganda. Apur Ki Opko is a village named after its lack of water.

The village of Apur Ki Opoko is filled with the sounds of people playing instruments, singing and dancing, because today they have a real reason to celebrate! The Drop in the Bucket team are present for a ceremony with local village and district officials to officially hand over a newly-drilled well for fresh water. Amidst the excitement, a voice cuts through the sounds of laughter.

Village children stand by the new well at Apur Ki Opoko

“Thank you for the new well!”

“I was born here, I grew up here and I will die here,” boasts Ocen Marcelino proudly. He’s the village chairperson, and he points at a pumpkin-like gourd laying on the ground nearby. “This is the calabash gourd, and our village takes its name from these gourds.” He goes on to explain that in the past women from the village used these gourds to fetch water. They would walk to a distant swamp and use the calabash to dig down into the ground. Once they had dug deep enough, they would use the gourd to collect the water and carry it back to the village. He then explains that name Apur Ki Opoko literally means “I dig with Calabash.”Ocen looks at the smiling crowd and jokes “Maybe now that we have this well, we can change the name of the village”

Janet Ajok, a woman from the village, greets our drillers with a warm smile. “Thank you for the new well!” she beams. “The water we were getting was from a waterhole that was also used by animals. We had to use it for cooking and drinking. We are so happy to finally have this well and clean water!”

An elderly woman named Rose Ayoo leaves a group of people dancing to join us. “I am so happy that this happened during my lifetime. I have dreamed of this moment for so long,” she says, visibly overwhelmed. Around her neck she is wearing a calabash gourd, a reminder of the daily struggle for water she endured for so much of her life, and a symbol of the joy she feels because she will never have to make that walk carrying a calabash again. 

Today is World Water Day, and today we all get to celebrate with Rose, Janet and the people of Apur Ki Opoko. This is a day they will always remember, as the new well will change their lives forever.

Happy World Water Day from Apur Ki Opoko

From everyone at Drop in the Bucket, we wish you a Happy World Water Day. Thank you for making our work possible for all these years.


Happy World Water Day!

Today is World Water Day

Maybe, as you read this, you have a glass of water within arm’s reach. Perhaps you enjoy your water ice cold…or maybe at room temperature. Some people prefer to drink their water with lemon. And some people still don’t have water to drink at all. Today is a day to take notice – today is World Water Day!

Even if you are fortunate enough to live in one of the countries with a steady supply of clean water at your fingertips, by now you have heard the statistics about the global water crisis. And many of you have been actively supporting DROP to help provide some relief to suffering communities.

No matter how often you hear it, it’s still hard to believe that in 2021, one in every ten people on the planet still lack this basic necessity.

And it’s always heartbreaking to hear the personal stories about the women, girls, teachers, school administrators and so many others who spend valuable time each day walking long distances to collect water. The challenges they face on a daily basis are already enormous, without this added burden of searching for water. But being sick is worse. And having a child die from drinking contaminated water is unbearable.

Providing Clean Water for School Children

Although our primary focus at DROP has been providing clean water for school children, in the past few years we have expanded our activities to also include drilling for more communities. We realize that we cannot provide enough wells to fully solve the enormous problem, but it is too difficult to turn our backs on those who are suffering. 

Time and time again, we have turned to our donors for help. And the incredible spirit of the DROP community always shines through.

Providing Safe Water to Health Centers in Africa

Last December, DROP launched a campaign to raise awareness to the struggle rural healthcare facilities face in trying to provide clean water for their patients and medical treatments. You came to the rescue, donating enough to fund twenty wells for some of the most needy clinics, schools and communities in northern Uganda. – We are in the process of drilling the remainder of these wells right now. 

Since gathering our friends around the kitchen table and starting DROP 15 years ago, we have provided clean water to more than 250,000 people in more than 400 communities across Uganda and South Sudan. This is all thanks to the unwavering generosity, giant hearts and steady support from you – our donors, our friends, and our beautiful DROP family.

As we recognize World Water Day 2021, we hope you will give yourselves a pat on the back. We appreciate the sacrifices you have made to help support these communities with clean water. There is still so much to do, but we are making progress.

So take a deep breath before you sip your next drink of water and realize that your support is making it possible for people on the other side of the world to also drink water.

Your donations help save lives, instill hope, and contribute to eradicating the global water crisis. Please continue to support DROP. 

Your donations aren’t part of the solution, your donations ARE the solution. 

Thank you! 

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