The Royal Kids Infant School is located in the Kuminamukaga village which is in the Kasambya sub-county of the Mubende District. The well is being used by the school and 3 neighboring villages. The school has 472 children; 201 boys and 271 girls. Bet
This was a rehabilitation project where we fixed an existing well that been broken for a long time.
The Mathiang Primary School is a very large school with 1412 pupils. Many of the students are recent returnees who had previously been living in th
In 2012 Aweil suffered from major flooding as you can see in the photos. This well had been drilled several years ago by another organization, but it fell into disrepair during the war between Sudan and South Sudan. Drop in the Bucket went to the sch
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, Apata Primary School completed wells, Uganda Africa
Lira district, Amugo sub-county, enrollment 1117 students, before the well the nearest water source was a shallow well which they shared with Ayito Primary School with over 900 pupils
The Lwawuna Primary School is located in the Nabingoola sub-County of the Mubende district of central Uganda. The school has 902 children and the well serves the school and three neighboring villages.
Before the well, the nearest source of clean w
The Integrity Nursery & Primary School Well is located within the Kole District in Northern Uganda, Africa. Although this well was drilled for a school of just 117 students, the community surrounding the school is very large and densely populated
The Ayile Community School in in the Alito sub-county of the recently redistricted Kole District. There are 250 students at the school which was formed by local residents, but there are also 5 villages that are also using the well. Even though it see
The Olil Primary School is in the Lira District of Uganda in the Amach sub-county. The school has 541 pupils. The well was deeper than a lot of our wells in the area, in fact we ended up drilling over 90 feet down before we hit water.
The Angolocom Primary School is in the Agweng sub-county in the Lira district of Uganda and has over 1000 pupils. Even though it took twice as long as normal and took twice as many riser pipes as we normally need, the school urgently needed clean wat
The Uyoon Primary School is in the Northern Bahr el Ghazal region of South Sudan, in the Baac Payam of Eastern Aweil county.
The Athiang Primary School is located in the Northern Bahr el Ghazal region of South Sudan.