The Busia Primary School is located in Kuluba sub-County in the Koboko District of Uganda. The school has a population of 1025 students. The Koboko has a high population of refugees, both South Sudanese and Congolese and this large influx of new peop
The World View Primary School is one of the projects Drop in the Bucket drilled for the Palabek refugee settlement in Lamwo, Uganda. The camp is currently home to 35,000 South Sudanese refugees who were forced to flee their homes due to conflict and
The Oyilotor Primary School is located in the Katakwi District of northern, Uganda. The well is being used by the children and 633 families from the surrounding area.
Kayembe-Mirembe is located close to Mbale, Uganda. The area is known for its ranges of large rocks. In fact the area is close to Mount Elgon and sits on dense rock. This makes drilling challenging and because of these difficulties, the area has few
Not all boreholes produce the same amount of water. Here at Drop in the Bucket, we do not drill unless we are sure there is enough water to sustain the community and provide everyone with enough clean water, but even then some wells yield greater amo
Before this well was drilled, the entire local community from Katkwi-Aputon’s only source of water was a water hole. The water from this source was not safe to drink and was making the children susceptible to water related diseases. Now the the commu
The Okuchoi community is in the Alilio village which is in the Arapai sub-county of Soroti Disrict in Uganda. There are currently 680 families using this well between the two villages that use it daily as their primary source of water. That is a tota