The Kidongole Secondary School is located in the Kidongole village in the Kidongole parish of the Kidongole sub-county of the Bukedea district.
The Kyere Township Primary School is in Serere, Uganda. This was the first well that we drilled using our new compressor that was donated by Gardner Denver and KKR.
The Olengoi-Ongadia Community well is located in the Olengoi village, Kateta Sub County in the Serere district of Uganda.
The community is located near a landing site and before the construction of the water source community members mainly relied
The Olele-Moru community well is located in Moru “B” Village, Morungatuny Sub County in the Amuria district of Uganda.
Before the well this village’s only water source was a water hole that was also used by livestock and other animals. The sit
Obutei-Ewechu Community well is located in Arapai sub-county in the northern part of the Soroti district in Teso sub-region.
The community of Obutei village initially got water from an unprotected well which was 3 Kilometers from most homesteads.
The Nananga-Baseke community well is located in the Nananga village, Kateta Sub County in the Serere district of Uganda.
The Nananga village which is located near a lake and before the borehole was drilled, the local women collected water from
Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity, Atape Omara Community Well completed wells, Uganda Africa
The Atape-Omara community well is located in Omara village, Bugondo Sub County in the Serere district of Uganda.
Before the borehole was dril
Abelakwap Community well is located in Adamasiko village, Katine Sub County, in Soroti district.
The people of Abelakwap village used to travel over 3 kilometers to the nearby Adamasiko Primary school in search of water. In addition, the commu
The Kacherede Primary School is located in the Kacherede village in the Kodukul parish of the Ongino sub-county in Kumi, Uganda. This well is now providing water to 1271 people.
The Erutu community well is located in Odomai village, Ochocia Parish, Ogolai Sub County in Amuria District.
In rural communities there are several places where people get their water. The best are borehole wells, the worst are polluted water
The Akado-Obangin Community well is located in Obangin village in the Akore parish of the Ogolai sub-county in the Amuria District of Uganda.
With a population of over 450 people, the community members were sharing an open water source which w
The Aburet-Olekat community well is located in the Aburet village in the Akoromit Sub County of the Amuria District, Uganda.
Up until recently the local community always got their water from a waterhole 5 Kilometers away. This water source was als