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Water Wells Africa Uganda Drop In The Bucket Ocan Oyere Primary School

Acanoyere Primary School

The Acanoyere Primary School is located in Kaberamaido District in northeast Uganda, Africa. The school has 280 pupils that will directly benefit from this well, including the community of Acanoyere, which has 650 households. This means that accordin

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Water Wells Africa South Sudan Drop In The Bucket Gukic Primary School

Gukic Primary School

The Gukic Primary School is located in the village Gukic which is in the Ringmamer Boma of the Mangok Payam in Aweil East in South Sudan.

The school has 450 pupils; 305 boys and 145 girls. The borehole well we are building now provides water t

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Water Wells Africa Uganda Lira Drop In The Bucket Kiganda High School

Kiganda High School

The Kiganda High School is in the Kiganda sub-county of the Mubende district. There are 880 students being taught by 14 teachers. Before the well the nearest water source was 3 k.m.

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Water Wells Africa Uganda Drop In The Bucket Nakalanda Primary School

Nakalanda Primary School

The Nakalanda Primary School is located in the Mpata sub-county of Mokono, Uganda. The school has 484 students 250 boys and 234 girls. The well serves the school, but also the five surrounding villages. Drilling was completed in fall 2011.

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Water wells Africa South Sudan Drop In The Bucket Kendiri Primary School

Kendiri Primary School

The Kendiri Primary School is in the Kajo Keji region of the Central Equatoria state in South Sudan.

One of the children that goes to school here is Awyti Blass she is 14 years old and is in 7th grade at Kendiri Primary School, in South Sud

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Unity Technical School

The Unity Technical School is in the village Abunga in northern Uganda. The well serves the school and for 4 neighboring villages. The school has 350 students, 210 boys and 150 girls. That in itself is a huge deal as secondary education amongst girl

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Water wells Africa- Uganda- completed wells- Drop in the Bucket- Abilonino Trinity College

Abilonino Trinity College

The Abilonino Trinity College is located in the Ayer sub-county of the Kole District. There are 600 students at the school and before the well they all were walking 1.5 km to get water from the nearest water source.

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Water wells Africa Uganda Drop In The Bucket Alaka Memorial Community School

Alaka Community Primary School

The Alaka community primary school, is in alebtong district of northern Uganda, in the akura sub-count. The total number of pupils before the well was installed was just 250 pupils, but we fully expect the number of pupils to increase dramatically no

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Acwikot Primary School

The Acwikot Primary School is a community school in the Lira district or northern Uganda.  It is located in Gwengabara village, which is in the Boke parish of the Adekokwok sub-County. The school enrollment is 824 pupils.

Before Drop in the Bucke

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Water wells Africa Uganda-Drop In Th _Bucket-Awiealem Primary School

Awiealem Primary School

The Awiealem Primary School is located in the Dokolo district of northern Uganda. When we were first there the locals told us about a horrific LRA attack where the villagers were massacred right in front of the school children. Many of the children i

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Water Wells Africa Uganda Drop In The Bucket Faith Academy Primary School

Faith Academy

Faith Academy is an elementary school in Kabonela, which is located in Uganda’s Masaka District. Although it is only attended by 130 students (45 boys and 85 girls) there was an urgent need for clean water at the school. The school is in a very poo

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Water Wells Africa Uganda Lira Drop In The Bucket Father Aloysius Secondary School

Father Aloysious Secondary School

The Father Aloysious Secondary School is located in the Kole District of northern Uganda. The school has 343 girls and 359 boys. The well was completed in the summer of 2011 and was working perfectly when we recently stopped by in March 2012.

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Water-wells-Africa-Uganda-Drop In The Bucket Atape Omara Community Well

Ating Tuo Community Primary School

Ating Tuo is a very remote, super needy community school that had been getting its water from the muddy, hand dug, shallow, well. The school has no actual buildings and so the kids study under trees. Sometimes when the wind is strong the blackboard f

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Adire Primary School

The Adire Primary School is located in Kajo Keji in the Central Equatoria state of South Sudan.

The was in urgent need of a source of clean water. We were told about the school by the local authorities who said the school had all of it’s pup

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Omoro Secondary School

The Omoro Secondary School is located in Abukamola which is in the Abletong District of Northern Uganda. The new well now serves the school and the 5 surrounding villages. The school has 250 pupils; 200 boys and 50 girls that are being taught by 19 f

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