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Water wells Africa Uganda Lira Drop In The Bucket Atelelo Primary School

Atelelo Primary School

Drop in the Bucket Africa water charity,
Atelelo Primary School Well completed wells,
Uganda Africa

The Atelelo Primary School is located in Angetta which is in the newly formed Abletong District. It was formerly part of the Lira District which

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Water Wells Lira Uganda Africa Drop In The Bucket Awach Primary School

Awach Secondary School

The villagers of Awach, particularly the children, were forced to leave the area and move to the city of Gulu during the war. The villagers that survived the attacks all ended up living in the IDP camps. Establishing a Primary school with water was t

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Drop in the Bucket- water and sanitation Uganda- Pour flush toilets, bio-digestion septics, water well- Alela Modern Primary School- Lira

Alela Modern Primary School

The Alela Modern Primary School is in the Alebtong District of Onywako parish of the Barr sub-county in Uganda. The nearest large town is Lira. The school has three villages around it that also had no source of clean water.

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Onywako Primary School

The Onywako Primary School is in the Barr Sub-County of the Lira District of Uganda. The school has 676 pupils; 343 girls and 333 boys. There are 11 teachers and 28 orphans. The school was originally founded by the Catholic church, but was taken over

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Adekokwok Primary School

The Adekokwok School is in the Adekokwok sub-County of Lira District. The school has a total of 854 children; 433 boys and 421 girls. There are 22 teachers working there full time. The area has a large number of orphans; 138 orphans are currently att

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Wairasa Village

In October 2006, we broke ground on our first well project, located in the small village of Wairasa in the Mayuge District of Uganda. The village has a 1200 person population and relies on sugar cane as a main industry source. The average walk to the

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Wurta Primary School

The Wurta Primary School is located in the Kayapo II District of South Sudan.

The school has 474 pupils; 230 boys and 244 girls, including 50 children who are orphans. The school has 4 full time paid teachers and two volunteer teachers.


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Water Wells Africa South Sudan Drop In The Bucket Jalimo Orphanage Primary School

Jalimo Orphanage Primary School

The Jalimo Orphanage Primary School is in the Kajo Keji District of South Sudan. It is located in the Jalimo village which is in the Kanyapo II Payam. The school has 664 pupils. The school also has 72 orphans that are currently studying there. The sc

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Amononeno Primary School

The Amononeno Primary School is located in the Abako Sub-County of the Lira Dstrict of Uganda. The School is found in a very remote part of the District. The closest city, Lira is several hours away and the road conditions are quite poor on the route

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Water wells Africa Uganda Drop In The Bucket Makonzi Boarding School

Makonzi Boarding Primary School

The Makonzi Boarding and Primary School is located in the Mubende district of central Uganda. The new well at this school provides water to the school and five surrounding villages. The school has 800 pupils who are taught by 14 full time teachers. T

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St Kizito Nnaalinnya Primary School

The St Kizito Nalinnya Primary School is in the village of Kiti, which is in the Masaka district of central Uganda. It is located between three villages, which will also have access to the water from the well. There are 800 pupils and 12 teachers at

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Water wells Africa Uganda Drop In The Bucket Mityana Standard Secondary School

Mityana Standard Secondary School

This co-ed boarding school, centrally located near six villages, was started when villagers banded together to raise the funds to send some of their children to a teacher-training college. Once those students had completed their training, they return

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Drop in the Bucket- Lire-Secondary School-South-Sudan

Lire Secondary School

The Lire Secondary School is located in the Lire village near Kejo Kaji in South Sudan. The School has 350 pupils which, although smaller than a lot of the schools we work at, is actually quite large for a Secondary School in South Sudan. So few peop

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St Bruno Nabitimpa Primary School

The St. Bruno Nabitimpa Primary School is located in the Mubende District of Central Uganda. The school has 411 pupils (221 girls and 190 boys), of whom 37 are orphans.

St. Bruno Nabitimpa Primary School is centrally located between three villages

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