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St Ponsiano Primary School Mawanda

The St. Ponsiano primary school is in Mwanda, central Uganda. It is located between two villages, both of which needed a well to share with the school. There are 480 pupils and 10 teachers at St. Ponsiano (212 boys and 268 girls), and of these childr

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Water wells Africa Drop In The Bucket - Uganda completed wells- Alogoro Primary School

Alogoro Primary School

The Alogoro Primary school is in the village of Alogoro. There is no road leading to the village, so you have to drive through sunflower fields to reach the village.

Unlike many schools in Uganda that are set up by local authorities or groups from

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Water wells Africa-Uganda-Drop In The Bucket Mama Kevin Primary School

Mama Kevina

Mama Kevina is a Primary, Secondary and Nursery School. The school is both a boarding school and a day school and there is even a hospital on the school grounds that serves the school and the local community. The school is made up of about 80% orphan

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Ilbissil Girls Boarding and Secondary School

The town of Ilbissil is situated at the foot of Ilbissil Mountain, in the very rural Massai area of Kenya. Located there are two schools established by the African Inland Church, which is located just across the street from the two adjacent schools.

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Pece Pu Dyek

The name is “Pece” pronounced “Pech-ay” in Acholi the word means over-crowded. Pece is a community in Gulu, Uganda, and it was one of the areas that was very hard hit by the LRA or Lord’s Resistance Army. The LRA was a terror group that tri

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Pece Pawel Primary School

This project was for a school that the local authorities were threatening to shut down due to the school’s poor sanitation facilities. We built a well at the school and once we realized how bad the toilets were decided to give them a complete Royal

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Drop in the Bucket community well Barpok Village, Uganda

Barpok Community Well


Although we work mainly in schools, orphanages and medical centers, a few vehicle issues ended up providing an exception to this rule. After some of our drillers and a few friends ended up spending several hours in this very remote village

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Drop in the Bucket- Africa water wells- South Sudan- Magwi- Stars of Hope Primary School

Stars of Hope Primary School

This is a very large school as the enrollment at the Primary School is 1175, 412 girls and 359 boys, but there are an additional 404 younger children that attend the attached nursery school. The well serves the Primary school, the Nursery School and

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Drop in the Bucket- Africa water wells - Uganda-Kidilani Primary School

Kidilani Primary School

The Kidilani Primary School is located in the Apac District and in the Cegere Sub-County of northern Uganda.

This well was funded by a campaign called Running for Water. This was a fundraising initiative set up by two runners from Washington State

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Drop in the Bucket-Africa water wells-Uganda-Kyankowe Day & Boarding School

Kyankowe Day & Boarding School

The Kyankowe Day and Boarding School is in central Uganda. It is centrally located near five villages in the Kyankowe parish. 420 pupils attend school there, 223 boys and 197 girls. Among them are 30 orphans. Thirteen teachers currently work at the s

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Drop in the Bucket-Africa water wells - Uganda- Maundo Primary School

Maundo Primary School

The Maundo Primary School is located in Tororo District and in Nagongera Sub-County of Uganda. This project was a collaboration between Drop in the Bucket and Rotary International. Rotary is involved with several projects in the area and asked Drop i

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Drop in the Bucket - completed wells- Uganda-Gulu- Mother Teresa Primary School

Mother Teresa Nursery & Primary School

Mother Teresa’s Nursery School is located in the Gulu District and in Laroo Sub-County.It is a boarding school for deaf and disadvantaged children. It was set up by a Ugandan Nun and funded by group called the Lillian Foundation.

The school was star

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